# package-cache [![status-badge](https://ci.worn.eu/api/badges/containers/package-cache/status.svg)](https://ci.worn.eu/containers/package-cache) This container image is meant to be used as a software package caching proxy. It employs the SSL bumping feature built into the Squid web proxy in order to allow caching of files fetched through a TLS connection. Two volumes can be mounted: one at `/var/cache/squid` to hold the cached content and one at `/certs` for generated site certs and CA certificate and key. Specifically, if not provided, the CA key will be automatically created at `/certs/ca/key.pem` and the CA cert will be `/certs/ca/cert.pem`. For convenience it is possible to fetch the CA certificate from any proxy client by requesting `http://proxy/ca.crt`. The generated site certs will be stored under `/certs/ssl_db`. Normally there is no need to anything with those files: they are just kept around in order to avoid regenerating certs for sites that have been already visited after restarting the container. ## Example usage To run the container: ```bash docker run -it \ -p 3128:3128 \ -v package-cache:/var/cache/squid \ -v proxy-certs:/certs \ --rm git.worn.eu/containers/package-cache ``` To use the package cache from another container: ```bash docker run -it \ --env http_proxy=http://$PROXY_IP:3128 \ --env https_proxy=http://$PROXY_IP:3128 \ --rm alpine sh ``` For SSL bumping to work we need to trust the proxy's CA, so from within the new container we run: ```bash mkdir -p /usr/local/share/ca-certificates wget -qO- http://proxy/ca.crt | \ tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \ > /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/proxy.crt apk add ca-certificates update-ca-certificates ```