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2020-06-06 17:23:24 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of SEP Development Kit
SEP Development Kit is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
SEP Development Kit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SEP Development Kit; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/percpu.h>
#include "lwpmudrv_defines.h"
#include "lwpmudrv_types.h"
#include "rise_errors.h"
#include "lwpmudrv_ecb.h"
#include "lwpmudrv_struct.h"
#include "lwpmudrv_chipset.h"
#include "inc/lwpmudrv.h"
#include "inc/control.h"
#include "inc/ecb_iterators.h"
#include "inc/utility.h"
extern DRV_CONFIG pcfg;
extern CHIPSET_CONFIG pma;
extern CPU_STATE pcb;
extern EVENT_CONFIG global_ec;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static U32 chap_Init_Chipset(void)
* @brief Chipset PMU initialization
* @param None
* @return VT_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise error
* <I>Special Notes:</I>
* <NONE>
static U32
chap_Init_Chipset (
U32 i;
CHIPSET_SEGMENT mch_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_mch(pma);
CHIPSET_SEGMENT ich_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_ich(pma);
CHIPSET_SEGMENT noa_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_noa(pma);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Initializing chipset ...\n");
if (DRV_CONFIG_enable_chipset(pcfg)) {
for (i=0; i < GLOBAL_STATE_num_cpus(driver_state); i++) {
pcb[i].chipset_count_init = TRUE;
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_mch_chipset(pma)) {
if (CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(mch_chipset_seg) == 0) {
// Map the virtual address of the PCI CHAP interface.
CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(mch_chipset_seg) = (U64) (UIOP) ioremap_nocache(
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_ich_chipset(pma)) {
if (CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(ich_chipset_seg) == 0) {
// Map the virtual address of the PCI CHAP interface.
CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(ich_chipset_seg) = (U64) (UIOP) ioremap_nocache(
// Here we map the MMIO registers for the Gen X processors.
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_noa_chipset(pma)) {
if (CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(noa_chipset_seg) == 0) {
// Map the virtual address of the PCI CHAP interface.
CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(noa_chipset_seg) = (U64) (UIOP) ioremap_nocache(
// always collect processor events
CHIPSET_CONFIG_processor(pma) = 1;
else {
CHIPSET_CONFIG_processor(pma) = 0;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Initializing chipset done.\n");
return VT_SUCCESS;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static U32 chap_Start_Chipset(void)
* @param None
* @return VT_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise error
* @brief Start collection on the Chipset PMU
* <I>Special Notes:</I>
* <NONE>
static VOID
chap_Start_Chipset (
U32 i;
CHIPSET_SEGMENT mch_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_mch(pma);
CHIPSET_SEGMENT ich_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_ich(pma);
// reset and start chipset counters
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Starting chipset counters...\n");
if (pma) {
chap = (CHAP_INTERFACE)(UIOP)CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(mch_chipset_seg);
if (chap != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(mch_chipset_seg); i++) {
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00040000; // Reset to zero
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00010000; // Restart
chap = (CHAP_INTERFACE) (UIOP)CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(ich_chipset_seg);
if (chap != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(ich_chipset_seg); i++) {
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00040000; // Reset to zero
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00010000; // Restart
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Starting chipset counters done.\n");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static U32 chap_Read_Counters(PVOID param)
* @brief Read the CHAP counter data
* @param PVOID param - address of the buffer to write into
* @return None
* <I>Special Notes:</I>
* <NONE>
static VOID
chap_Read_Counters (
PVOID param
U64 *data;
U32 mch_cpu;
int i, data_index;
U64 tmp_data;
U64 *mch_data;
U64 *ich_data;
U64 *mmio_data;
U64 *mmio;
U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU();
CHIPSET_SEGMENT mch_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_mch(pma);
CHIPSET_SEGMENT ich_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_ich(pma);
CHIPSET_SEGMENT noa_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_noa(pma);
data = param;
data_index = 0;
// Save the Motherboard time. This is universal time for this
// system. This is the only 64-bit timer so we save it first so
// always aligned on 64-bit boundary that way.
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_mch_chipset(pma)) {
mch_data = data + data_index;
// Save the MCH counters.
chap = (CHAP_INTERFACE)(UIOP)CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(mch_chipset_seg);
for (i = CHIPSET_SEGMENT_start_register(mch_chipset_seg);
i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(mch_chipset_seg); i++) {
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00020000; // Sample
// The StartingReadRegister is only used for special event
// configs that use CHAP counters to trigger events in other
// CHAP counters. This is an unusual request but useful in
// getting the number of lit subspans - implying a count of the
// number of triangles. I am not sure it will be used
// elsewhere. We cannot read some of the counters because it
// will invalidate their configuration to trigger other CHAP
// counters. Yuk!
data_index += CHIPSET_SEGMENT_start_register(mch_chipset_seg);
for (i = CHIPSET_SEGMENT_start_register(mch_chipset_seg);
i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(mch_chipset_seg); i++) {
data[data_index++] = CHAP_INTERFACE_data_register(&chap[i]);
// Initialize the counters on the first interrupt
if (pcb[this_cpu].chipset_count_init == TRUE) {
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(mch_chipset_seg); i++) {
pcb[this_cpu].last_mch_count[i] = mch_data[i];
// Now compute the delta!
// NOTE: Special modification to accomodate Gen 4 work - count
// everything since last interrupt - regardless of cpu! This
// way there is only one count of the Gen 4 counters.
mch_cpu = CHIPSET_CONFIG_host_proc_run(pma) ? this_cpu : 0;
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(mch_chipset_seg); i++) {
tmp_data = mch_data[i];
if (mch_data[i] < pcb[mch_cpu].last_mch_count[i]) {
mch_data[i] = mch_data[i] + (U32)(-1) - pcb[mch_cpu].last_mch_count[i];
else {
mch_data[i] = mch_data[i] - pcb[mch_cpu].last_mch_count[i];
pcb[mch_cpu].last_mch_count[i] = tmp_data;
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_ich_chipset(pma)) {
// Save the ICH counters.
ich_data = data + data_index;
chap = (CHAP_INTERFACE)(UIOP)CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(ich_chipset_seg);
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(ich_chipset_seg); i++) {
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00020000; // Sample
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(ich_chipset_seg); i++) {
data[data_index++] = CHAP_INTERFACE_data_register(&chap[i]);
// Initialize the counters on the first interrupt
if (pcb[this_cpu].chipset_count_init == TRUE) {
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(ich_chipset_seg); i++) {
pcb[this_cpu].last_ich_count[i] = ich_data[i];
// Now compute the delta!
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(ich_chipset_seg); i++) {
tmp_data = ich_data[i];
if (ich_data[i] < pcb[this_cpu].last_ich_count[i]) {
ich_data[i] = ich_data[i] + (U32)(-1) - pcb[this_cpu].last_ich_count[i];
else {
ich_data[i] = ich_data[i] - pcb[this_cpu].last_ich_count[i];
pcb[this_cpu].last_ich_count[i] = tmp_data;
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_noa_chipset(pma)) {
// Save the MMIO counters.
mmio_data = data + data_index;
mmio = (U64 *) (UIOP)CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(noa_chipset_seg);
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(noa_chipset_seg); i++) {
data[data_index++] = mmio[i*2 + 2244]; // 64-bit quantity
// Initialize the counters on the first interrupt
if (pcb[this_cpu].chipset_count_init == TRUE) {
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(noa_chipset_seg); i++) {
pcb[this_cpu].last_mmio_count[i] = mmio_data[i];
// Now compute the delta!
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(noa_chipset_seg); i++) {
tmp_data = mmio_data[i];
if (mmio_data[i] < pcb[this_cpu].last_mmio_count[i]) {
mmio_data[i] = mmio_data[i] + (U32)(-1) - pcb[this_cpu].last_mmio_count[i];
else {
mmio_data[i] = mmio_data[i] - pcb[this_cpu].last_mmio_count[i];
pcb[this_cpu].last_mmio_count[i] = tmp_data;
pcb[this_cpu].chipset_count_init = FALSE;
data[data_index++] = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i));
SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), (U64)0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static VOID chap_Stop_Chipset(void)
* @brief Stop the Chipset PMU
* @param None
* @return None
* <I>Special Notes:</I>
* <NONE>
static VOID
chap_Stop_Chipset (
U32 i;
CHIPSET_SEGMENT mch_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_mch(pma);
CHIPSET_SEGMENT ich_chipset_seg = &CHIPSET_CONFIG_ich(pma);
// reset and start chipset counters
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Stopping chipset counters...\n");
if (pma) {
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_mch_chipset(pma)) {
chap = (CHAP_INTERFACE)(UIOP)CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(mch_chipset_seg);
if (chap != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(mch_chipset_seg); i++) {
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00000000; // Stop
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00040000; // Reset to Zero
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_ich_chipset(pma)) {
chap = (CHAP_INTERFACE)(UIOP)CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(ich_chipset_seg);
if (chap != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < CHIPSET_SEGMENT_total_events(ich_chipset_seg); i++) {
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00000000; // Stop
CHAP_INTERFACE_command_register(&chap[i]) = 0x00040000; // Reset to Zero
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_mch_chipset(pma) && CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(mch_chipset_seg)) {
CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(mch_chipset_seg) = 0;
if (CHIPSET_CONFIG_ich_chipset(pma) && CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(ich_chipset_seg)) {
CHIPSET_SEGMENT_virtual_address(ich_chipset_seg) = 0;
pma = NULL;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Stopped chipset counters.\n");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static VOID chap_Fini_Chipset(void)
* @brief Finish routine on a per-logical-core basis
* @param None
* @return None
* <I>Special Notes:</I>
* <NONE>
static VOID
chap_Fini_Chipset (
CS_DISPATCH_NODE chap_dispatch =