/*COPYRIGHT** Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of SEP Development Kit SEP Development Kit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. SEP Development Kit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SEP Development Kit; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. **COPYRIGHT*/ #include "lwpmudrv_defines.h" #include #include #include #include "lwpmudrv_types.h" #include "rise_errors.h" #include "lwpmudrv_ecb.h" #include "lwpmudrv_struct.h" #include "lwpmudrv.h" #include "utility.h" #include "control.h" #include "output.h" #include "perfver4.h" #include "ecb_iterators.h" #include "pebs.h" #include "apic.h" extern EVENT_CONFIG global_ec; extern U64 *read_counter_info; extern LBR lbr; extern DRV_CONFIG pcfg; extern PWR pwr; extern U64 *interrupt_counts; typedef struct SADDR_S { S64 addr:LBR_DATA_BITS; } SADDR; #define SADDR_addr(x) (x).addr #define MSR_ENERGY_MULTIPLIER 0x606 // Energy Multiplier MSR /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn void perfver4_Write_PMU(param) * * @param param dummy parameter which is not used * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Initial set up of the PMU registers * * Special Notes * Initial write of PMU registers. * Walk through the enties and write the value of the register accordingly. * Assumption: For CCCR registers the enable bit is set to value 0. * When current_group = 0, then this is the first time this routine is called, * initialize the locks and set up EM tables. */ static VOID perfver4_Write_PMU ( VOID *param ) { U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; ECB pecb = PMU_register_data[CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu)]; if (!pecb) { return; } if (CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) == 0) { if (EVENT_CONFIG_mode(global_ec) != EM_DISABLED) { U32 index; U32 st_index; U32 j; /* Save all the initialization values away into an array for Event Multiplexing. */ for (j = 0; j < EVENT_CONFIG_num_groups(global_ec); j++) { CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) = j; st_index = CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) * EVENT_CONFIG_max_gp_events(global_ec); FOR_EACH_DATA_GP_REG(pecb, i) { index = st_index + (ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i) - IA32_PMC0); CPU_STATE_em_tables(pcpu)[index] = ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i); } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_GP_REG; } /* Reset the current group to the very first one. */ CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) = this_cpu % EVENT_CONFIG_num_groups(global_ec); } } if (dispatch->hw_errata) { dispatch->hw_errata(); } /* Clear outstanding frozen bits */ SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_OVF_CTRL, PERFVER4_FROZEN_BIT_MASK); FOR_EACH_REG_ENTRY(pecb, i) { /* * Writing the GLOBAL Control register enables the PMU to start counting. * So write 0 into the register to prevent any counting from starting. */ if (ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i) == IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL) { SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), 0LL); continue; } /* * PEBS is enabled for this collection session */ if (DRV_CONFIG_pebs_mode(pcfg) && ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i) == IA32_PEBS_ENABLE && ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i)) { SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), 0LL); continue; } SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i)); #if defined(MYDEBUG) { U64 val = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Write reg 0x%x --- value 0x%llx -- read 0x%llx\n", ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i), val); } #endif } END_FOR_EACH_REG_ENTRY; return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn void perfver4_Disable_PMU(param) * * @param param dummy parameter which is not used * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Zero out the global control register. This automatically disables the PMU counters. * */ static VOID perfver4_Disable_PMU ( PVOID param ) { U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; ECB pecb = PMU_register_data[CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu)]; if (!pecb) { // no programming for this device for this group return; } if (GLOBAL_STATE_current_phase(driver_state) != DRV_STATE_RUNNING) { SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("driver state = %d\n", GLOBAL_STATE_current_phase(driver_state)); SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL, 0LL); if (DRV_CONFIG_pebs_mode(pcfg)) { SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PEBS_ENABLE, 0LL); } APIC_Disable_PMI(); } return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn void perfver4_Enable_PMU(param) * * @param param dummy parameter which is not used * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Set the enable bit for all the Control registers * */ static VOID perfver4_Enable_PMU ( PVOID param ) { /* * Get the value from the event block * 0 == location of the global control reg for this block. * Generalize this location awareness when possible */ U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; ECB pecb = PMU_register_data[CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu)]; if (!pecb) { // no programming for this device for this group return; } if (GLOBAL_STATE_current_phase(driver_state) == DRV_STATE_RUNNING) { APIC_Enable_Pmi(); /* Clear outstanding frozen bits */ SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_OVF_CTRL, PERFVER4_FROZEN_BIT_MASK); if (CPU_STATE_reset_mask(pcpu)) { SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Overflow reset mask %llx\n", CPU_STATE_reset_mask(pcpu)); SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL, ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,0)); // Reinitialize the global overflow control register SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_DEBUG_CTRL, ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,3)); CPU_STATE_reset_mask(pcpu) = 0LL; } if (CPU_STATE_group_swap(pcpu)) { CPU_STATE_group_swap(pcpu) = 0; SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL, ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,0)); if (DRV_CONFIG_pebs_mode(pcfg)) { SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PEBS_ENABLE, ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,2)); } SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_DEBUG_CTRL, ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,3)); #if defined(MYDEBUG) { U64 val; val = SYS_Read_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Write reg 0x%x--- read 0x%llx\n", ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,0), SYS_Read_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL)); } #endif } } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Reenabled PMU with value 0x%llx\n", ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,0)); return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn perfver4_Read_PMU_Data(param) * * @param param dummy parameter which is not used * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Read all the data MSR's into a buffer. Called by the interrupt handler. * */ static void perfver4_Read_PMU_Data ( PVOID param ) { S32 start_index, j; U64 *buffer = read_counter_info; U32 this_cpu; CPU_STATE pcpu; ECB pecb; preempt_disable(); this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); preempt_enable(); pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; pecb = PMU_register_data[CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu)]; if (!pecb) { return; } start_index = ECB_num_events(pecb) * this_cpu; SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("PMU control_data 0x%p, buffer 0x%p, j = %d\n", PMU_register_data, buffer, j); FOR_EACH_DATA_REG(pecb,i) { j = start_index + ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb,i); buffer[j] = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("this_cpu %d, event_id %d, value 0x%llx\n", this_cpu, i, buffer[j]); } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_REG; return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn void perfver4_Check_Overflow(masks) * * @param masks the mask structure to populate * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Called by the data processing method to figure out which registers have overflowed. * */ static void perfver4_Check_Overflow ( DRV_MASKS masks ) { U32 index; U64 overflow_status = 0; U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); BUFFER_DESC bd = &cpu_buf[this_cpu]; CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; ECB pecb = PMU_register_data[CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu)]; U64 overflow_status_clr = 0; DRV_EVENT_MASK_NODE event_flag; if (!pecb) { return; } // initialize masks DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks) = 0; overflow_status = SYS_Read_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS); if (DRV_CONFIG_pebs_mode(pcfg)) { overflow_status = PEBS_Overflowed (this_cpu, overflow_status); } overflow_status_clr = overflow_status; if (dispatch->check_overflow_gp_errata) { overflow_status = dispatch->check_overflow_gp_errata(pecb, &overflow_status_clr); } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Overflow: cpu: %d, status 0x%llx \n", this_cpu, overflow_status); index = 0; BUFFER_DESC_sample_count(bd) = 0; FOR_EACH_DATA_REG(pecb, i) { if (ECB_entries_fixed_reg_get(pecb, i)) { index = ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) - IA32_FIXED_CTR0 + 0x20; if (dispatch->check_overflow_errata) { overflow_status = dispatch->check_overflow_errata(pecb, i, overflow_status); } } else if (ECB_entries_is_gp_reg_get(pecb, i)) { index = ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) - IA32_PMC0; } else { continue; } if (overflow_status & ((U64)1 << index)) { SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Overflow: cpu: %d, index %d\n", this_cpu, index); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("register 0x%x --- val 0%llx\n", ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i))); SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i)); if (DRV_CONFIG_enable_cp_mode(pcfg)) { /* Increment the interrupt count. */ if (interrupt_counts) { interrupt_counts[this_cpu * DRV_CONFIG_num_events(pcfg) + ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb,i)] += 1; } } DRV_EVENT_MASK_bitFields1(&event_flag) = (U8) 0; if (ECB_entries_precise_get(pecb, i)) { DRV_EVENT_MASK_precise(&event_flag) = 1; } if (ECB_entries_lbr_value_get(pecb, i)) { DRV_EVENT_MASK_lbr_capture(&event_flag) = 1; } if (ECB_entries_uncore_get(pecb, i)) { DRV_EVENT_MASK_uncore_capture(&event_flag) = 1; } if (ECB_entries_branch_evt_get(pecb, i)) { DRV_EVENT_MASK_branch(&event_flag) = 1; } if (DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks) < MAX_OVERFLOW_EVENTS) { DRV_EVENT_MASK_bitFields1(DRV_MASKS_eventmasks(masks) + DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks)) = DRV_EVENT_MASK_bitFields1(&event_flag); DRV_EVENT_MASK_event_idx(DRV_MASKS_eventmasks(masks) + DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks)) = ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb, i); DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks)++; } else { SEP_PRINT_ERROR("The array for event masks is full.\n"); } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("overflow -- 0x%llx, index 0x%llx\n", overflow_status, (U64)1 << index); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("slot# %d, reg_id 0x%x, index %d\n", i, ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i), index); if (ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb, i) == CPU_STATE_trigger_event_num(pcpu)) { CPU_STATE_trigger_count(pcpu)--; } } } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_REG; CPU_STATE_reset_mask(pcpu) = overflow_status_clr; /* Clear outstanding overflow bits */ SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_OVF_CTRL, overflow_status_clr & PERFVER4_OVERFLOW_BIT_MASK_HT_ON); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Check Overflow completed %d\n", this_cpu); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn perfver4_Swap_Group(restart) * * @param restart dummy parameter which is not used * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Perform the mechanics of swapping the event groups for event mux operations * * Special Notes * Swap function for event multiplexing. * Freeze the counting. * Swap the groups. * Enable the counting. * Reset the event trigger count * */ static VOID perfver4_Swap_Group ( DRV_BOOL restart ) { U32 index; U32 next_group; U32 st_index; U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; st_index = CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) * EVENT_CONFIG_max_gp_events(global_ec); next_group = (CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) + 1); if (next_group >= EVENT_CONFIG_num_groups(global_ec)) { next_group = 0; } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("current group : 0x%x\n", CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu)); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("next group : 0x%x\n", next_group); // Save the counters for the current group if (!DRV_CONFIG_event_based_counts(pcfg)) { FOR_EACH_DATA_GP_REG(pecb, i) { index = st_index + (ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) - IA32_PMC0); CPU_STATE_em_tables(pcpu)[index] = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Saved value for reg 0x%x : 0x%llx ", ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), CPU_STATE_em_tables(pcpu)[index]); } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_GP_REG; } CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) = next_group; if (dispatch->hw_errata) { dispatch->hw_errata(); } // First write the GP control registers (eventsel) FOR_EACH_CCCR_GP_REG(pecb, i) { SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i)); } END_FOR_EACH_CCCR_GP_REG; if (DRV_CONFIG_event_based_counts(pcfg)) { // In EBC mode, reset the counts for all events except for trigger event FOR_EACH_DATA_REG(pecb, i) { if (ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb, i) != CPU_STATE_trigger_event_num(pcpu)) { SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), 0LL); } } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_REG; } else { // Then write the gp count registers st_index = CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) * EVENT_CONFIG_max_gp_events(global_ec); FOR_EACH_DATA_GP_REG(pecb, i) { index = st_index + (ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) - IA32_PMC0); SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), CPU_STATE_em_tables(pcpu)[index]); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Restore value for reg 0x%x : 0x%llx ", ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), CPU_STATE_em_tables(pcpu)[index]); } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_GP_REG; } FOR_EACH_ESCR_REG(pecb,i) { SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i),ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb, i)); } END_FOR_EACH_ESCR_REG; /* * reset the em factor when a group is swapped */ CPU_STATE_trigger_count(pcpu) = EVENT_CONFIG_em_factor(global_ec); /* * The enable routine needs to rewrite the control registers */ CPU_STATE_reset_mask(pcpu) = 0LL; CPU_STATE_group_swap(pcpu) = 1; return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn perfver4_Initialize(params) * * @param params dummy parameter which is not used * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Initialize the PMU setting up for collection * * Special Notes * Saves the relevant PMU state (minimal set of MSRs required * to avoid conflicts with other Linux tools, such as Oprofile). * This function should be called in parallel across all CPUs * prior to the start of sampling, before PMU state is changed. * */ static VOID perfver4_Initialize ( VOID *param ) { U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); CPU_STATE pcpu; SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Inside perfver4_Initialize\n"); if (pcb == NULL) { return; } pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu) = pmu_state + (this_cpu * 2); if (CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu) == NULL) { SEP_PRINT_WARNING("Unable to save PMU state on CPU %d\n",this_cpu); return; } // save the original PMU state on this CPU (NOTE: must only be called ONCE per collection) CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu)[0] = SYS_Read_MSR(IA32_DEBUG_CTRL); CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu)[1] = SYS_Read_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL); if (DRV_CONFIG_ds_area_available(pcfg)) { SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PEBS_ENABLE, 0LL); } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Saving PMU state on CPU %d :\n", this_cpu); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG(" msr_val(IA32_DEBUG_CTRL)=0x%llx \n", CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu)[0]); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG(" msr_val(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL)=0x%llx \n", CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu)[1]); return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn perfver4_Destroy(params) * * @param params dummy parameter which is not used * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Reset the PMU setting up after collection * * Special Notes * Restores the previously saved PMU state done in pmv_v4_Initialize. * This function should be called in parallel across all CPUs * after sampling collection ends/terminates. * */ static VOID perfver4_Destroy ( VOID *param ) { U32 this_cpu; CPU_STATE pcpu; SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Inside perfver4_Destroy\n"); if (pcb == NULL) { return; } preempt_disable(); this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); preempt_enable(); pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; if (CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu) == NULL) { SEP_PRINT_WARNING("Unable to restore PMU state on CPU %d\n",this_cpu); return; } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Restoring PMU state on CPU %d :\n", this_cpu); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG(" msr_val(IA32_DEBUG_CTRL)=0x%llx \n", CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu)[0]); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG(" msr_val(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL)=0x%llx \n", CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu)[1]); // restore the previously saved PMU state // (NOTE: assumes this is only called ONCE per collection) SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_DEBUG_CTRL, CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu)[0]); SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL, CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu)[1]); CPU_STATE_pmu_state(pcpu) = NULL; return; } /* * @fn perfver4_Read_LBRs(buffer) * * @param IN buffer - pointer to the buffer to write the data into * @return Last branch source IP address * * @brief Read all the LBR registers into the buffer provided and return * */ static U64 perfver4_Read_LBRs ( VOID *buffer ) { U32 i, count = 0; U64 *lbr_buf = NULL; U64 value = 0; U64 tos_ip_addr = 0; U64 tos_ptr = 0; SADDR saddr; if (buffer && DRV_CONFIG_store_lbrs(pcfg)) { lbr_buf = (U64 *)buffer; } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Inside perfver4_Read_LBRs\n"); for (i = 0; i < LBR_num_entries(lbr); i++) { value = SYS_Read_MSR(LBR_entries_reg_id(lbr,i)); if (buffer && DRV_CONFIG_store_lbrs(pcfg)) { *lbr_buf = value; } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("perfver4_Read_LBRs %u, 0x%llx\n", i, value); if (i == 0) { tos_ptr = value; } else { if (LBR_entries_etype(lbr, i) == 1) { // LBR from register if (tos_ptr == count) { SADDR_addr(saddr) = value & LBR_BITMASK; tos_ip_addr = (U64) SADDR_addr(saddr); // Add signed extension SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("tos_ip_addr %llu, 0x%llx\n", tos_ptr, value); } count++; } } if (buffer && DRV_CONFIG_store_lbrs(pcfg)) { lbr_buf++; } } return tos_ip_addr; } /* * @fn perfver4_Clean_Up(param) * * @param IN param - currently not used * * @brief Clean up registers in ECB * */ static VOID perfver4_Clean_Up ( VOID *param ) { FOR_EACH_REG_ENTRY(pecb, i) { if (ECB_entries_clean_up_get(pecb,i)) { SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("clean up set --- RegId --- %x\n", ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)); SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), 0LL); } } END_FOR_EACH_REG_ENTRY; /* Clear outstanding frozen bits */ SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_OVF_CTRL, PERFVER4_FROZEN_BIT_MASK); return; } /* * @fn perfver4_Errata_Fix() * * @brief Fix errata in PMU * */ static VOID perfver4_Errata_Fix ( void ) { U64 mlc_event, rat_event, siu_event; U64 clr = 0; SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Entered PMU v4 Errata_Fix\n"); mlc_event = 0x4300B5LL; rat_event = 0x4300D2LL; siu_event = 0x4300B1LL; if (DRV_CONFIG_pebs_mode(pcfg)) { SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PEBS_ENABLE, clr); } SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL,clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0x186,mlc_event); SYS_Write_MSR(0xC1, clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0x187, rat_event); SYS_Write_MSR(0xC2, clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0x188, siu_event); SYS_Write_MSR(0xC3, clr); // this additional write seems to fix per counter issue // - some how an SIU event taken in the last counter in a group after // a group that has been sampling a SIU event renders the last counter useless // and it does not count SYS_Write_MSR(0x189, siu_event); SYS_Write_MSR(0xC4, clr); clr = 0xFLL; SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL,clr); //hoping that by now it fixed the issue clr = 0x0; SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL,clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0x186,clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0xc1,clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0x187,clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0xc2,clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0x188,clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0xC3, clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0x189,clr); SYS_Write_MSR(0xC4, clr); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Exited PMU Errata_Fix\n"); return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn void perfver4_Check_Overflow_Htoff_Mode(masks) * * @param masks the mask structure to populate * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Called by the data processing method to figure out which registers have overflowed. * */ static void perfver4_Check_Overflow_Htoff_Mode ( DRV_MASKS masks ) { U32 index; U64 value = 0; U64 overflow_status = 0; U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); BUFFER_DESC bd = &cpu_buf[this_cpu]; CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; ECB pecb = PMU_register_data[CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu)]; U64 overflow_status_clr = 0; DRV_EVENT_MASK_NODE event_flag; SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("perfver4_Check_Overflow_Htoff_Mode\n"); if (!pecb) { return; } // initialize masks DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks) = 0; overflow_status = SYS_Read_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS); if (DRV_CONFIG_pebs_mode(pcfg)) { overflow_status = PEBS_Overflowed (this_cpu, overflow_status); } overflow_status_clr = overflow_status; SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Overflow: cpu: %d, status 0x%llx \n", this_cpu, overflow_status); index = 0; BUFFER_DESC_sample_count(bd) = 0; if (dispatch->check_overflow_gp_errata) { overflow_status = dispatch->check_overflow_gp_errata(pecb, &overflow_status_clr); } FOR_EACH_DATA_REG(pecb, i) { if (ECB_entries_fixed_reg_get(pecb, i)) { index = ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) - IA32_FIXED_CTR0 + 0x20; } else if (ECB_entries_is_gp_reg_get(pecb,i) && ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i) != 0) { index = ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) - IA32_PMC0; if (ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) >= IA32_PMC4 && ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) <= IA32_PMC7) { value = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)); if (value > 0 && value <= 0x100000000LL) { overflow_status |= ((U64)1 << index); } } } else { continue; } if (overflow_status & ((U64)1 << index)) { SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Overflow: cpu: %d, index %d\n", this_cpu, index); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("register 0x%x --- val 0%llx\n", ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i))); SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i)); if (DRV_CONFIG_enable_cp_mode(pcfg)) { /* Increment the interrupt count. */ if (interrupt_counts) { interrupt_counts[this_cpu * DRV_CONFIG_num_events(pcfg) + ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb,i)] += 1; } } DRV_EVENT_MASK_bitFields1(&event_flag) = (U8) 0; if (ECB_entries_precise_get(pecb, i)) { DRV_EVENT_MASK_precise(&event_flag) = 1; } if (ECB_entries_lbr_value_get(pecb, i)) { DRV_EVENT_MASK_lbr_capture(&event_flag) = 1; } if (DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks) < MAX_OVERFLOW_EVENTS) { DRV_EVENT_MASK_bitFields1(DRV_MASKS_eventmasks(masks) + DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks)) = DRV_EVENT_MASK_bitFields1(&event_flag); DRV_EVENT_MASK_event_idx(DRV_MASKS_eventmasks(masks) + DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks)) = ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb, i); DRV_MASKS_masks_num(masks)++; } else { SEP_PRINT_ERROR("The array for event masks is full.\n"); } SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("overflow -- 0x%llx, index 0x%llx\n", overflow_status, (U64)1 << index); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("slot# %d, reg_id 0x%x, index %d\n", i, ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i), index); if (ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb, i) == CPU_STATE_trigger_event_num(pcpu)) { CPU_STATE_trigger_count(pcpu)--; } } } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_REG; CPU_STATE_reset_mask(pcpu) = overflow_status_clr; /* Clear outstanding overflow bits */ SYS_Write_MSR(IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_OVF_CTRL, overflow_status_clr & PERFVER4_OVERFLOW_BIT_MASK_HT_OFF); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("Check Overflow completed %d\n", this_cpu); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn void perfver4_Read_Power(buffer) * * @param buffer - pointer to the buffer to write the data into * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Read all the power MSRs into the buffer provided and return. * */ static VOID perfver4_Read_Power ( VOID *buffer ) { U32 i; U64 *pwr_buf = (U64 *)buffer; for (i = 0; i < PWR_num_entries(pwr); i++) { *pwr_buf = SYS_Read_MSR(PWR_entries_reg_id(pwr,i)); pwr_buf++; } return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn perfver4_Read_Counts(param, id) * * @param param The read thread node to process * @param id The event id for the which the sample is generated * * @return None No return needed * * @brief Read CPU event based counts data and store into the buffer param; * For the case of the trigger event, store the SAV value. */ static VOID perfver4_Read_Counts ( PVOID param, U32 id ) { U64 *data; U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu]; U32 event_id = 0; if (DRV_CONFIG_ebc_group_id_offset(pcfg)) { // Write GroupID data = (U64 *)((S8*)param + DRV_CONFIG_ebc_group_id_offset(pcfg)); *data = CPU_STATE_current_group(pcpu) + 1; } FOR_EACH_DATA_REG(pecb,i) { if (ECB_entries_counter_event_offset(pecb,i) == 0) { continue; } data = (U64 *)((S8*)param + ECB_entries_counter_event_offset(pecb,i)); event_id = ECB_entries_event_id_index(pecb,i); if (event_id == id) { *data = ~(ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb,i) - 1) & ECB_entries_max_bits(pecb,i);; } else { *data = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)); SYS_Write_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), 0LL); } } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_REG; return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn perfver4_Check_Overflow_Errata(pecb) * * @param pecb: The current event control block * @param overflow_status: current overflow mask * * @return Updated Event mask of the overflowed registers. * * @brief There is a bug where highly correlated precise events do * not raise an indication on overflows in Core i7 and SNB. */ static U64 perfver4_Check_Overflow_Errata ( ECB pecb, U64 *overflow_status_clr ) { U64 index = 0, value = 0, overflow_status = 0; #if defined(MYDEBUG) U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU(); #endif if (DRV_CONFIG_num_events(pcfg) == 1) { return *overflow_status_clr; } overflow_status = *overflow_status_clr; FOR_EACH_DATA_REG(pecb, i) { if (ECB_entries_reg_value(pecb, i) == 0) { continue; } if (ECB_entries_is_gp_reg_get(pecb, i)) { index = ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) - IA32_PMC0; value = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)); if (value > 0LL && value <= 0x100000000LL) { overflow_status |= ((U64)1 << index); *overflow_status_clr |= ((U64)1 << index); // NOTE: system may hang if these debug statements are used SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("cpu %d counter 0x%x value 0x%llx\n", this_cpu, ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), value); } continue; } if (ECB_entries_fixed_reg_get(pecb,i)) { index = ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb, i) - IA32_FIXED_CTR0 + 0x20; if (!(overflow_status & ((U64)1 << index))) { value = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)); if (ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i) == IA32_FIXED_CTR2) { if (!(value > 0LL && value <= 0x1000000LL) && (*overflow_status_clr & ((U64)1 << index))) { //Clear it only for overflow_status so that we do not create sample records //Please do not remove the check for MSR index overflow_status = overflow_status & ~((U64)1 << index); continue; } } if (value > 0LL && value <= 0x100000000LL) { overflow_status |= ((U64)1 << index); *overflow_status_clr |= ((U64)1 << index); SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("cpu %d counter 0x%x value 0x%llx\n", this_cpu, ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i), value); } } } } END_FOR_EACH_DATA_REG; return overflow_status; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! * @fn U64 perfver4_Platform_Info * * @brief Reads the MSR_PLATFORM_INFO register if present * * @param void * * @return value read from the register * * Special Notes: * */ static VOID perfver4_Platform_Info ( PVOID data ) { DRV_PLATFORM_INFO platform_data = (DRV_PLATFORM_INFO)data; U64 value = 0; if (!platform_data) { return; } #define IA32_MSR_PLATFORM_INFO 0xCE value = SYS_Read_MSR(IA32_MSR_PLATFORM_INFO); DRV_PLATFORM_INFO_info(platform_data) = value; DRV_PLATFORM_INFO_ddr_freq_index(platform_data) = 0; return; } /* * Initialize the dispatch table */ DISPATCH_NODE perfver4_dispatch = { perfver4_Initialize, // init perfver4_Destroy, // finis perfver4_Write_PMU, // write perfver4_Disable_PMU, // freeze perfver4_Enable_PMU, // restart perfver4_Read_PMU_Data, // read perfver4_Check_Overflow, // check_overflow perfver4_Swap_Group, // swap_group perfver4_Read_LBRs, // read_lbrs perfver4_Clean_Up, // cleanup perfver4_Errata_Fix, // hw_errata perfver4_Read_Power, // read_power NULL, // check_overflow_errata perfver4_Read_Counts, // read_counts perfver4_Check_Overflow_Errata, // check_overflow_gp_errata NULL, // read_ro perfver4_Platform_Info, // platform_info NULL, // trigger_read NULL // scan_for_uncore }; DISPATCH_NODE perfver4_dispatch_htoff_mode = { perfver4_Initialize, // init perfver4_Destroy, // fini perfver4_Write_PMU, // write perfver4_Disable_PMU, // freeze perfver4_Enable_PMU, // restart perfver4_Read_PMU_Data, // read perfver4_Check_Overflow_Htoff_Mode, // check for overflow perfver4_Swap_Group, // swap_group perfver4_Read_LBRs, // read_lbrs perfver4_Clean_Up, // cleanup perfver4_Errata_Fix, // hw_errata perfver4_Read_Power, // read_power NULL, // check_overflow_errata perfver4_Read_Counts, // read_counts perfver4_Check_Overflow_Errata, // check_overflow_gp_errata NULL, // read_ro perfver4_Platform_Info, // platform_info NULL, // trigger_read NULL // scan_for_uncore uncore };