
785 lines
29 KiB

Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of SEP Development Kit
SEP Development Kit is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
SEP Development Kit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SEP Development Kit; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
#include "lwpmudrv_defines.h"
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include "lwpmudrv_types.h"
#include "rise_errors.h"
#include "lwpmudrv_ecb.h"
#include "lwpmudrv_struct.h"
#include "lwpmudrv.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "apic.h"
#include "sys_info.h"
extern U64 total_ram;
static IOCTL_SYS_INFO *ioctl_sys_info = NULL;
static size_t ioctl_sys_info_size = 0;
static U32 *cpuid_entry_count = NULL;
static U32 *cpuid_total_count = NULL;
#define VTSA_NA64 ((U64) -1)
#define VTSA_NA32 ((U32) -1)
#define VTSA_NA ((U32) -1)
#define SYS_INFO_NUM_SETS(rcx) ((rcx) + 1)
#define SYS_INFO_LINE_SIZE(rbx) (((rbx) & 0xfff) + 1)
#define SYS_INFO_LINE_PARTITIONS(rbx) ((((rbx) >> 12) & 0x3ff) + 1)
#define SYS_INFO_NUM_WAYS(rbx) ((((rbx) >> 22) & 0x3ff) + 1)
#define SYS_INFO_CACHE_SIZE(rcx,rbx) (SYS_INFO_NUM_SETS((rcx)) * \
#define MSR_FB_PCARD_ID_FUSE 0x17 // platform id fuses MSR
#define LOW_PART(x) (x & 0xFFFFFFFF)
/* Find most signicant bit set to 1? */
static U64
sys_info_nbits (
U64 number
U64 i;
for (i = 0; number > 0; i++) {
number >>= 1;
// adjust to 0 based number so we return 1 bit for value of 2
return (i-1);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static void sys_info_Get_Num_Cpuid_Funcs(basic_funcs, basic_4_funcs, extended_funcs)
* @param basic_functions - pointer to the number of basic functions
* @param basic_4_funcs - pointer to the basic 4 functions
* @param extended_funcs - pointer to the number of extended functions
* @return total number of cpuid functions
* @brief This routine gets the number of basic and extended cpuid functions.
static U32
sys_info_Get_Num_Cpuid_Funcs (
OUT U32 *basic_funcs,
OUT U32 *basic_4_funcs,
OUT U32 *extended_funcs
U64 num_basic_funcs = 0x0LL;
U64 num_basic_4_funcs = 0x0LL;
U64 num_extended_funcs = 0x0LL;
U64 rax;
U64 rbx;
U64 rcx;
U64 rdx;
U64 i;
UTILITY_Read_Cpuid(0, &num_basic_funcs, &rbx, &rcx, &rdx);
UTILITY_Read_Cpuid(0x80000000, &num_extended_funcs, &rbx, &rcx, &rdx);
if (num_extended_funcs & 0x80000000) {
num_extended_funcs -= 0x80000000;
// make sure num_extended_funcs is not bogus
if (num_extended_funcs > 0x1000) {
num_extended_funcs = 0;
// if number of basic funcs is greater than 4, figure out how many
// time we should call CPUID with eax = 0x4.
num_basic_4_funcs = 0;
if (num_basic_funcs >= 4) {
for (i = 0, rax = (U64)-1; (rax & 0x1f) != 0; i++) {
rcx = i;
UTILITY_Read_Cpuid(4, &rax, &rbx, &rcx, &rdx);
num_basic_4_funcs = i - 1;
if (num_basic_funcs >= 0xb) {
i = 0;
do {
rcx = i;
UTILITY_Read_Cpuid(0xb, &rax, &rbx, &rcx, &rdx);
} while (!(LOW_PART(rax) == 0 && LOW_PART(rbx) == 0));
num_basic_4_funcs += i;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Get_Num_Cpuid_Funcs: num_basic_4_funcs = %llx\n",
// adjust number to include 0 and 0x80000000 functions.
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Get_Num_Cpuid_Funcs: num_basic_funcs = %llx\n", num_basic_funcs);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Get_Num_Cpuid_Funcs: num_extended_funcs = %llx\n", num_extended_funcs);
// fill-in the parameter for the caller
if (basic_funcs != NULL) {
*basic_funcs = (U32) num_basic_funcs;
if (basic_4_funcs != NULL) {
*basic_4_funcs = (U32) num_basic_4_funcs;
if (extended_funcs != NULL) {
*extended_funcs = (U32) num_extended_funcs;
return ((U32) (num_basic_funcs + num_basic_4_funcs + num_extended_funcs));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static void sys_info_Get_Cpuid_Entry_Cpunt(buffer)
* @param buffer - pointer to the buffer to hold the info
* @return None
* @brief Service Routine to query the CPU for the number of entries needed
static VOID
sys_info_Get_Cpuid_Entry_Count (
PVOID buffer
U32 current_processor;
U32 *current_cpu_buffer;
current_processor = CONTROL_THIS_CPU();
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("tbs:sys_info_Get_Cpuid_Entry_Count:%x: begin\n", current_processor);
current_cpu_buffer = (U32 *) ((U8 *) buffer + current_processor * sizeof(U32));
#if defined(ALLOW_ASSERT)
ASSERT(((U8 *) current_cpu_buffer + sizeof(U32)) <=
((U8 *) current_cpu_buffer + GLOBAL_STATE_active_cpus(driver_state) * sizeof(U32)));
*current_cpu_buffer = sys_info_Get_Num_Cpuid_Funcs(NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static U32 sys_info_Get_Cpuid_Buffer_Size(cpuid_entries)
* @param cpuid_entries - number of cpuid entries
* @return size of buffer needed in bytes
* @brief This routine returns number of bytes needed to hold the CPU_CS_INFO
* @brief structure.
static U32
sys_info_Get_Cpuid_Buffer_Size (
U32 cpuid_entries
U32 cpuid_size;
U32 buffer_size;
cpuid_size = sizeof(VTSA_CPUID);
buffer_size = sizeof(IOCTL_SYS_INFO) +
sizeof(VTSA_NODE_INFO) +
GLOBAL_STATE_active_cpus(driver_state) * sizeof(VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU) +
GLOBAL_STATE_active_cpus(driver_state) * sizeof(VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR) +
cpuid_entries * cpuid_size;
return buffer_size;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn extern void sys_info_Fill_CPUID(...)
* @param num_cpuids,
* @param basic_funcs,
* @param extended_funcs,
* @param cpu,
* @param *current_cpuid
* @param *gen_per_cpu,
* @param *local_gpc
* @return None
* @brief This routine is called to build per cpu information.
* @brief Fills in the cpuid for the processor in the right location in the buffer
static void
sys_info_Fill_CPUID (
U32 num_cpuids,
U32 basic_funcs,
U32 extended_funcs,
U32 cpu,
VTSA_CPUID *current_cpuid,
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU *gen_per_cpu,
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU *local_gpc
U32 i, index, j;
U64 cpuid_function;
U64 rax, rbx, rcx, rdx;
VTSA_CPUID *cpuid_el;
char *apic;
DRV_BOOL ht_supported = FALSE;
U32 apic_id = 0;
U32 num_logical_per_physical = 0;
U32 cores_per_die = 1;
U32 threads_per_core = 1;
U32 thread_id = 0;
U32 core_id = 0;
U32 package_id = 0;
U32 module_id = 0;
U32 cores_sharing_cache = 0;
U32 cache_mask_width = 0;
if (drv_x2apic_enabled) {
apic_id = SYS_Read_MSR(DRV_APIC_LCL_ID_MSR);
else {
apic = (char*) CPU_STATE_apic_linear_addr(&pcb[cpu]);
apic_id = (*(U32*)&apic[DRV_APIC_LCL_ID]) >> 24;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Build_Percpu: cpu %x: apic_id = %d\n", cpu, apic_id);
for (i = 0, index = 0; index < num_cpuids; i++) {
cpuid_function = (i < basic_funcs) ? i : (0x80000000 + i - basic_funcs);
if (cpuid_function == 0x4) {
for (j = 0, rax = (U64)-1; (rax & 0x1f) != 0; j++) {
rcx = j;
UTILITY_Read_Cpuid(cpuid_function, &rax, &rbx, &rcx, &rdx);
cpuid_el = &current_cpuid[index];
#if defined(ALLOW_ASSERT)
ASSERT(((U8 *)cpuid_el + sizeof(VTSA_CPUID)) <= cpuid_buffer_limit);
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_eax_input(cpuid_el) = (U32) cpuid_function;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_eax(cpuid_el) = (U32) rax;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_ebx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rbx;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_ecx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rcx;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_edx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rdx;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("CPUID: Function: %x\n", (U32)cpuid_function);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("CPUID: \trax: %x, rbx: %x, rcx: %x, rdx: %x\n",
(U32)rax, (U32)rbx, (U32)rcx, (U32)rdx);
if ((rax & 0x1f) != 0) {
local_gpc = &gen_per_cpu[cpu];
if (((rax >> 5) & 0x3) == 2) {
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_cache_L2(local_gpc) =
(U32)(SYS_INFO_CACHE_SIZE(rcx,rbx) >> 10);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("L2 Cache: %x\n", VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_cache_L2(local_gpc));
cores_sharing_cache = ((U16)(rax >> 14) & 0xfff) + 1;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("CORES_SHARING_CACHE=%d j=%d cpu=%d\n", cores_sharing_cache, j, cpu);
if (((rax >> 5) & 0x3) == 3) {
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_cache_L3(local_gpc) =
(U32)(SYS_INFO_CACHE_SIZE(rcx,rbx) >> 10);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("L3 Cache: %x\n", VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_cache_L3(local_gpc));
if (j == 0) {
cores_per_die = ((U16)(rax >> 26) & 0x3f) + 1;
if (cores_sharing_cache != 0) {
cache_mask_width = (U32)sys_info_nbits(cores_sharing_cache);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("CACHE MASK WIDTH=%x\n", cache_mask_width);
else if (cpuid_function == 0xb) {
j = 0;
do {
rcx = j;
UTILITY_Read_Cpuid(cpuid_function, &rax, &rbx, &rcx, &rdx);
cpuid_el = &current_cpuid[index];
#if defined(ALLOW_ASSERT)
ASSERT(((U8 *)cpuid_el + sizeof(VTSA_CPUID_X86)) <= cpuid_buffer_limit);
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_eax_input(cpuid_el) = (U32) cpuid_function;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_eax(cpuid_el) = (U32) rax;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_ebx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rbx;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_ecx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rcx;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_edx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rdx;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("CPUID: Function: %x\n", (U32)cpuid_function);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("CPUID: \trax: %x, rbx: %x, rcx: %x, rdx: %x\n",
(U32)rax, (U32)rbx, (U32)rcx, (U32)rdx);
} while (!(LOW_PART(rax) == 0 && LOW_PART(rbx) == 0));
else {
UTILITY_Read_Cpuid(cpuid_function, &rax, &rbx, &rcx, &rdx);
cpuid_el = &current_cpuid[index];
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Build_Percpu: cpu %x: num_cpuids = %x i = %x index = %x\n",
cpu, num_cpuids, i, index);
#if defined(ALLOW_ASSERT)
ASSERT(((U8 *)cpuid_el + sizeof(VTSA_CPUID_X86)) <= cpuid_buffer_limit);
ASSERT(((U8 *)cpuid_el + sizeof(VTSA_CPUID_X86)) <=
((U8 *)current_cpuid + (num_cpuids * sizeof(VTSA_CPUID_X86))));
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_eax_input(cpuid_el) = (U32) cpuid_function;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_eax(cpuid_el) = (U32) rax;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_ebx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rbx;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_ecx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rcx;
VTSA_CPUID_X86_cpuid_edx(cpuid_el) = (U32) rdx;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("CPUID: Function: %x\n", (U32)cpuid_function);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("CPUID: \trax: %x, rbx: %x, rcx: %x, rdx: %x\n",
(U32)rax, (U32)rbx, (U32)rcx, (U32)rdx);
if (cpuid_function == 0) {
if ((U32)rbx == 0x756e6547 &&
(U32)rcx == 0x6c65746e &&
(U32)rdx == 0x49656e69) {
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_platform_id(local_gpc) = SYS_Read_MSR(MSR_FB_PCARD_ID_FUSE);
else if (cpuid_function == 1) {
ht_supported = (rdx >> 28) & 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
num_logical_per_physical = (U32)((rbx & 0xff0000) >> 16);
if (num_logical_per_physical == 0) {
num_logical_per_physical = 1;
// set cpu_cache_L2 if not already set using 0x80000006 function
if (gen_per_cpu[cpu].cpu_cache_L2 == VTSA_NA && extended_funcs >= 6) {
UTILITY_Read_Cpuid(0x80000006, &rax, &rbx, &rcx, &rdx);
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_cache_L2(local_gpc) = (U32)(rcx >> 16);
if (!ht_supported || num_logical_per_physical == cores_per_die) {
threads_per_core = 1;
thread_id = 0;
else {
// assume each core only has 2 threads when ht is enabled
threads_per_core = 2;
thread_id = (U16)(apic_id & 1);
core_id = (apic_id >> sys_info_nbits(threads_per_core)) & (cores_per_die-1);
package_id = (apic_id >> (sys_info_nbits(cores_per_die) + sys_info_nbits(threads_per_core)));
if (cache_mask_width) {
module_id = (U32)(cpu/2);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("MODULE ID=%d CORE ID=%d for cpu=%d PACKAGE ID=%d\n", module_id, core_id, cpu, package_id);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("num_logical_per_physical=%d cores_per_die=%d\n", num_logical_per_physical, cores_per_die);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("package_id %d, apic_id %x, sys_info_nbits(cores_per_die) %lld, sys_info_nbits(threads_per_core %lld\n", package_id, apic_id, sys_info_nbits(cores_per_die), sys_info_nbits(threads_per_core));
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_intel_processor_number(local_gpc) = VTSA_NA32;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_package_num(local_gpc) = (U16)package_id;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_core_num(local_gpc) = (U16)core_id;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_hw_thread_num(local_gpc) = (U16)thread_id;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_threads_per_core(local_gpc) = (U16)threads_per_core;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_module_num(local_gpc) = (U16)module_id;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_num_modules(local_gpc) = (U16)(GLOBAL_STATE_num_cpus(driver_state)/2);
GLOBAL_STATE_num_modules(driver_state) = VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_num_modules(local_gpc);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("MODULE COUNT=%d\n", GLOBAL_STATE_num_modules(driver_state));
core_to_package_map[cpu] = package_id;
if (num_packages < package_id + 1) {
num_packages = package_id + 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn static void sys_info_Build_Percpu(buffer)
* @param buffer - points to the base of GEN_PER_CPU structure
* @return None
* @brief This routine is called to build per cpu information.
static VOID
sys_info_Build_Percpu (
VOID *buffer
U32 basic_funcs, basic_4_funcs, extended_funcs;
U32 num_cpuids;
U32 cpu;
VTSA_CPUID *current_cpuid;
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR *cpuid_gen_array_hdr;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU *gen_per_cpu, *local_gpc;
U8 *cpuid_gen_array_hdr_base;
#if defined(ALLOW_ASSERT)
U8 *cpuid_buffer_limit;
num_cpuids = (U32) sys_info_Get_Num_Cpuid_Funcs(&basic_funcs,
// get the GEN_PER_CPU entry for the current processor.
gen_per_cpu = (VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU*) buffer;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Build_Percpu: cpu %x: gen_per_cpu = %p\n", cpu, gen_per_cpu);
// get GEN_ARRAY_HDR and cpuid array base
cpuid_gen_array_hdr_base = (U8 *) gen_per_cpu +
GLOBAL_STATE_active_cpus(driver_state) * sizeof(VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Build_Percpu: cpuid_gen_array_hdr_base = %p\n", cpuid_gen_array_hdr_base);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Build_Percpu: cpu = %x\n", cpu);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Build_Percpu: cpuid_total_count[cpu] = %x\n", cpuid_total_count[cpu]);
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("sys_info_Build_Percpu: sizeof(VTSA_CPUID) = %lx\n", sizeof(VTSA_CPUID));
cpuid_gen_array_hdr = (VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR *) ((U8 *) cpuid_gen_array_hdr_base +
sizeof(VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR) * cpu +
cpuid_total_count[cpu] * sizeof(VTSA_CPUID));
// get current cpuid array base.
current_cpuid = (VTSA_CPUID *) ((U8 *) cpuid_gen_array_hdr + sizeof(VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR));
#if defined(ALLOW_ASSERT)
// get the absolute buffer limit
cpuid_buffer_limit = (U8 *)ioctl_sys_info +
// Fill in GEN_PER_CPU
local_gpc = &(gen_per_cpu[cpu]);
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_number(local_gpc) = cpu;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_speed_mhz(local_gpc) = VTSA_NA32;
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_fsb_mhz(local_gpc) = VTSA_NA32;
fsp = &VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_cpuid_array(local_gpc);
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_is_ptr(fsp) = 0;
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_fs_offset(fsp) = (U64) ((U8 *)cpuid_gen_array_hdr -
(U8 *)&IOCTL_SYS_INFO_sys_info(ioctl_sys_info));
* Get the time stamp difference between this cpu and cpu 0.
* This value will be used by user mode code to generate standardize
* time needed for sampling over time (SOT) functionality.
VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU_cpu_tsc_offset(local_gpc) = TSC_SKEW(cpu);
fsp = &VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_hdr_next_gen_hdr(cpuid_gen_array_hdr);
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_hdr_size(cpuid_gen_array_hdr) = sizeof(VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR);
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_is_ptr(fsp) = 0;
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_fs_offset(fsp) = 0;
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_num_entries(cpuid_gen_array_hdr) = num_cpuids;
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_entry_size(cpuid_gen_array_hdr) = sizeof(VTSA_CPUID);
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_type(cpuid_gen_array_hdr) = GT_CPUID;
#if defined(DRV_IA32)
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_subtype(cpuid_gen_array_hdr) = GST_X86;
#elif defined(DRV_EM64T)
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_subtype(cpuid_gen_array_hdr) = GST_EM64T;
// fill out cpu id information
sys_info_Fill_CPUID (num_cpuids,
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn extern void SYS_Info_Build(void)
* @param None
* @return None
* @brief This is the driver routine that constructs the VTSA_SYS_INFO
* @brief structure used to report system information into the tb5 file
extern U32
SYS_INFO_Build (
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR *gen_array_hdr;
VTSA_NODE_INFO *node_info;
VTSA_SYS_INFO *sys_info;
U8 *gen_per_cpu;
U32 buffer_size;
U32 total_cpuid_entries;
S32 i;
struct sysinfo k_sysinfo;
int me;
PVOID linear;
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("SYS_INFO_Build(): Entered\n");
if (ioctl_sys_info) {
/* The sys info has already been computed. Do not redo */
buffer_size = GENERIC_IOCTL_size(&IOCTL_SYS_INFO_gen(ioctl_sys_info));
return buffer_size - sizeof(GENERIC_IOCTL);
buffer_size = GLOBAL_STATE_active_cpus(driver_state) * sizeof(U32);
cpuid_entry_count = CONTROL_Allocate_Memory(buffer_size);
if (cpuid_entry_count == NULL) {
SEP_PRINT_ERROR("SYS_INFO_Build: memory alloc failed\n");
return 0;
cpuid_total_count = CONTROL_Allocate_Memory(buffer_size);
if (cpuid_total_count == NULL) {
SEP_PRINT_ERROR("SYS_INFO_Build: memory alloc failed\n");
cpuid_entry_count = CONTROL_Free_Memory(cpuid_entry_count);
return 0;
CONTROL_Invoke_Parallel(sys_info_Get_Cpuid_Entry_Count, (VOID *)cpuid_entry_count);
total_cpuid_entries = 0;
for(i = 0; i < GLOBAL_STATE_active_cpus(driver_state); i++) {
cpuid_total_count[i] = total_cpuid_entries;
total_cpuid_entries += cpuid_entry_count[i];
ioctl_sys_info_size = sys_info_Get_Cpuid_Buffer_Size(total_cpuid_entries);
ioctl_sys_info = CONTROL_Allocate_Memory(ioctl_sys_info_size);
if (ioctl_sys_info == NULL) {
SEP_PRINT_ERROR("SYS_INFO_Build: memory alloc failed\n");
cpuid_entry_count = CONTROL_Free_Memory(cpuid_entry_count);
cpuid_total_count = CONTROL_Free_Memory(cpuid_total_count);
return 0;
// fill in ioctl and cpu_cs_info fields.
GENERIC_IOCTL_size(&IOCTL_SYS_INFO_gen(ioctl_sys_info)) = ioctl_sys_info_size;
GENERIC_IOCTL_ret(&IOCTL_SYS_INFO_gen(ioctl_sys_info)) = VT_SUCCESS;
sys_info = &IOCTL_SYS_INFO_sys_info(ioctl_sys_info);
VTSA_SYS_INFO_min_app_address(sys_info) = VTSA_NA64;
VTSA_SYS_INFO_max_app_address(sys_info) = VTSA_NA64;
VTSA_SYS_INFO_page_size(sys_info) = k_sysinfo.mem_unit;
VTSA_SYS_INFO_allocation_granularity(sys_info) = k_sysinfo.mem_unit;
// offset from ioctl_sys_info
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_is_ptr(&VTSA_SYS_INFO_node_array(sys_info)) = 0;
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_fs_offset(&VTSA_SYS_INFO_node_array(sys_info)) = sizeof(VTSA_SYS_INFO);
// fill in node_info array header
gen_array_hdr = (VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR *) ((U8 *) sys_info +
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("SYS_INFO_Build: gen_array_hdr = %p\n", gen_array_hdr);
fsp = &VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_hdr_next_gen_hdr(gen_array_hdr);
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_is_ptr(fsp) = 0;
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_fs_offset(fsp) = 0;
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_hdr_size(gen_array_hdr) = sizeof(VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR);
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_num_entries(gen_array_hdr) = 1;
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_entry_size(gen_array_hdr) = sizeof(VTSA_NODE_INFO);
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_type(gen_array_hdr) = GT_NODE;
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_subtype(gen_array_hdr) = GST_UNK;
// fill in node_info
node_info = (VTSA_NODE_INFO *) ((U8 *) gen_array_hdr + sizeof(VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR));
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("SYS_INFO_Build: node_info = %p\n", node_info);
VTSA_NODE_INFO_node_type_from_shell(node_info) = VTSA_NA32;
VTSA_NODE_INFO_node_id(node_info) = VTSA_NA32;
VTSA_NODE_INFO_node_num_available(node_info) = GLOBAL_STATE_active_cpus(driver_state);
VTSA_NODE_INFO_node_num_used(node_info) = VTSA_NA32;
total_ram = k_sysinfo.totalram << PAGE_SHIFT;
VTSA_NODE_INFO_node_physical_memory(node_info) = total_ram;
fsp = &VTSA_NODE_INFO_node_percpu_array(node_info);
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_is_ptr(fsp) = 0;
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_fs_offset(fsp) = sizeof(VTSA_SYS_INFO) +
// fill in gen_per_cpu array header
gen_array_hdr = (VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR *) ((U8 *) sys_info + VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_fs_offset(fsp));
SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("SYS_INFO_Build: gen_array_hdr = %p\n", gen_array_hdr);
fsp = &VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_hdr_next_gen_hdr(gen_array_hdr);
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_is_ptr(fsp) = 0;
VTSA_FIXED_SIZE_PTR_fs_offset(fsp) = 0;
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_hdr_size(gen_array_hdr) = sizeof(VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR);
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_num_entries(gen_array_hdr) = GLOBAL_STATE_active_cpus(driver_state);
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_entry_size(gen_array_hdr) = sizeof(VTSA_GEN_PER_CPU);
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_type(gen_array_hdr) = GT_PER_CPU;
#if defined(DRV_IA32)
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_subtype(gen_array_hdr) = GST_X86;
#elif defined(DRV_EM64T)
VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR_array_subtype(gen_array_hdr) = GST_EM64T;
gen_per_cpu = (U8 *) gen_array_hdr + sizeof(VTSA_GEN_ARRAY_HDR);
me = 0;
linear = NULL;
CONTROL_Invoke_Parallel(APIC_Init, &linear);
CONTROL_Invoke_Parallel(sys_info_Build_Percpu, (VOID *)gen_per_cpu);
// de-initialize APIC
for(i = 0; i < GLOBAL_STATE_num_cpus(driver_state); i++) {
* Cleanup - deallocate memory that is no longer needed
cpuid_total_count = CONTROL_Free_Memory(cpuid_total_count);
cpuid_entry_count = CONTROL_Free_Memory(cpuid_entry_count);
return ioctl_sys_info_size - sizeof(GENERIC_IOCTL);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn extern void SYS_Info_Transfer(out_buf, out_buf_len)
* @param out_buf - pointer to the buffer to write the data into
* @param out_buf_len - length of the buffer passed in
* @brief Transfer the data collected via the SYS_INFO_Build routine
* @brief back to the caller.
extern VOID
SYS_INFO_Transfer (
PVOID out_buf,
unsigned long out_buf_len
unsigned long exp_size;
ssize_t unused;
if (ioctl_sys_info == NULL || out_buf_len == 0) {
exp_size = GENERIC_IOCTL_size(&IOCTL_SYS_INFO_gen(ioctl_sys_info)) - sizeof(GENERIC_IOCTL);
if (out_buf_len < exp_size) {
SEP_PRINT_ERROR("SYS_INFO_Transfer: Insufficient Space\n");
unused = copy_to_user(out_buf, &(IOCTL_SYS_INFO_sys_info(ioctl_sys_info)), out_buf_len);
if (unused) {
// no-op ... eliminates "variable not used" compiler warning
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn extern void SYS_Info_Destroy(void)
* @param None
* @return None
* @brief Free any memory associated with the sys info before unloading the driver
extern VOID
SYS_INFO_Destroy (
ioctl_sys_info = CONTROL_Free_Memory(ioctl_sys_info);
ioctl_sys_info_size = 0;