
586 lines
26 KiB
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; Commodore Plus 4 specific constants and memory addresses
.cpu "6502"
io .namespace
.include "ted.asm"
.virtual $ff00
ted .dstruct _ted
BTOK_SYS = $9e
SCREEN_RAM = $0c00
; ===========================================================================
PDIR = $0000 ; 7501 on-chip data-direction register
PORT = $0001 ; 7501 on-chip 8-bit Input/Output register
SRCHTK = $0002 ; Token 'search' looks for (run-time stack)
ZPVEC1 = $0003 ; Temp (renumber)
ZPVEC2 = $0005 ; Temp (renumber)
CHARAC = $0007 ; Search character
ENDCHR = $0008 ; Flag: scan for quote at end of string
TRMPOS = $0009 ; Screen column from last TAB
VERCK = $000A ; Flag: 0 = load 1 - verify
COUNT = $000B ; Input buffer pointer / No. of subsctipts
DIMFLG = $000C ; Flag: Default Array DIMension
VALTYP = $000D ; Data type: $FF = string $00 = numeric
INTFLG = $000E ; Data type: $80 = integer, $00 = floating
DORES = $000F ; Flag: DATA scan/LIST quote/garbage coll
SUBFLG = $0010 ; Flag: subscript ref / user function coll
INPFLG = $0011 ; Flag: $00 = INPUT, $43 = GET, $98 = READ
TANSGN = $0012 ; Flag TAN siqn / comparison result
CHANNL = $0013 ; Flag: INPUT prompt
LINNUM = $0014 ; Temp: integer value
TEMPPT = $0016 ; Pointer: temporary string stack
LASTPT = $0317 ; Last temp string address
TEMPST = $0019 ; Stack for temporary strings
INDEX1 = $0022 ; Utility pointer area
INDEX2 = $0024 ; Utility pointer area
RESHO = $0026 ;
RESMOH = $0027 ;
RESMO = $0028 ;
RESLO = $0029 ;
TXTTAB = $002B ; Pointer: start of BASIC text
VARTAB = $002D ; Pointer: start of BASIC variables
ARYTAB = $002E ; Pointer: start of BASIC arrays
STREND = $0031 ; Pointer: end of BASIC arrays (+1)
FRFTOP = $0033 ; Pointer: bottom of string storage
FRESPC = $0035 ; Utility string pointer
MEMSIZ = $0037 ; Pointer: highest address used by BASIC
CURLIN = $0039 ; Current BASIC line number
TXTPTR = $003B ;
FNDPNT = $003D ;
DATLIN = $003F ; Current DATA line number
DATPTR = $0041 ; Pointer: Current DATA item address
INPPTR = $0043 ; Vector: INPUT routine
VARNAM = $0045 ; Current BASIC variable name
VARPNT = $0047 ; Pointer: Current BASIC variable data
FORPNT = $0049 ; Pointer: Index variable for FOR/NEXT
OPPTR = $0048 ;
OPMASK = $004D ;
DEFPNT = $004E ;
DSCPNT = $0050 ;
HELPER = $0053 ;
JMPER = $0054 ;
SIZE = $0055 ;
OLDOV = $0056 ;
TEMPF1 = $0057 ;
HIGHDS = $0058 ;
HIGHTR = $005A ;
LOWDS = $005D ;
LoWTR = $005F ;
EXPSGN = $0060 ;
FACEXP = $0061 ; Floating-point accumulator #1: exponent
FACHO = $0062 ; Floating accum. #1: mantissa
FACMOH = $0063 ;
FACMO = $0064 ;
FACLo = $0065 ;
FACSGN = $0066 ; Floating accum. #1: sign
SGNFLG = $0067 ; Pointer: series evaluation constant
BITS = $0068 ; Floating accum. #1: overflow digit
ARGEXP = $0069 ; Floating-point accumulator #2: exponent
ARGHO = $006A ; Floating accum. #2: mantissa
ARGMOH = $006B ;
ARGMO = $006C ;
ARGLO = $006D ;
ARGSGN = $006E ; Floating accum. #2: sign
ARISGN = $006F ; Sign comparison result: accum. #1 vs #2
FACOV = $0070 ; Floating accum. #1. low-order (rounding)
FBUFPT = $0071 ; Pointer: cassette buffer
AUTINC = $0073 ; Increment value for auto (0 = off)
MVDFLG = $0075 ; Flag if 10K hires allocated
KEYNUM = $0076 ;
KEYSIZ = $0077 ;
SYNTMP = $0078 ; Used as temp Eor indirect loads
DSDESC = $0079 ; Descriptor for DSS
TOS = $007C ; Top of run time stack
TMPTON = $007E ; Temps used by music (tone & volume)
VOICNO = $0080 ;
RUNMOD = $0081 ;
POINT = $0082 ;
GRAPHM = $0083 ; Current graphic mode
COLSEL = $0084 ; Current color selected
MC1 = $0085 ; Multicolor 1
FG = $0086 ; Foreground color
SCXMAX = $0087 ; Maximum # of columns
SCYMAX = $0088 ; Maximum # of rows
LTFLAG = $0089 ; Paint-left flag
RTFLAG = $008A ; Paint-Right flag
STOPNH = $008B ; Stop paint if not BG (Not same Color)
GRAPNT = $008C ;
VTEMP1 = $008E ;
VTEMP2 = $008F ;
STATUS = $0090 ; Kernal I/O status word: ST
STREY = $0091 ; Flag: STOP key / RVS key
SPVERR = $0092 ; Temp
VERFCK = $0093 ; Flag: 0 = load, 1 = verify
C3PO = $0094 ; Plag: serial bus - output char buffered
BSOUR = $0095 ; Buffered character for serial bus
XSAV = $0096 ; Temp for basin
LDTND = $0097 ; # of open files / index to file table
DFLTN = $0098 ; Default input device (0)
DFLTO = $0099 ; Default output (CMD) device (3)
MSGFLG = $009A ; Flag: $80 = direct mode $00 = program
SAL = $009B ; Tape pass 1 error log
SAH = $009C ; Tape pass 2 error log
EAL = $009D ;
EAH = $009E ;
T1 = $009F ; Temp data area
T2 = $00A1 ; Temp data area
TIME = $00A3 ; Real-time jiffy clock (approx) 1/60 sec
R2D2 = $00A6 ; Serial bus usage (EOI on output)
TPBYTE = $00A7 ; Byte to be written/read on/off tape
BSOUR1 = $00A8 ; Temp used by serial routine
FPVERR = $00A9 ;
DCOUNT = $00AA ;
FNLEN = $00A8 ; Length of current file name
LA = $00AC ; Current logical fiie number
SA = $00AD ; Current seconda.y address
FA = $00AE ; Current device number
FNADR = $00AF ; Pointer: current file name
ERRSUM = $00B1 ;
STAL = $00B2 ; I/O start address
STAH = $00B3 ;
MEMUSS = $00B4 ; Load ram base
TAPEBS = $00B6 ; Base pointer to cassette base
TMP2 = $00B8 ;
WRBASE = $00BA ; Pointer to data for tape writes
IMPARM = $00BC ; Pointer to immediate string for primms
FETPTR = $00BE ; Pointer to byte to be fetched in bank fetc
SEDSAL = $00C0 ; Temp for scrolling
RVS = $00C2 ; RVS field flag on
INDX = $00C3 ;
LSXP = $00C4 ; X position at start
LSTP = $00C5 ;
SFDX = $00C6 ; Flag: shift mode for print
CRSW = $00C7 ; Flag: INPUT or GET from keyboard
PNT = $00C8 ; Pointer: current screen line address
PNTR = $00CA ; Cursor column on current line
QTSW = $00CB ; Flag: editor in quote mode, $00 = no
SEDT1 = $00CC ; Editor temp use
TBLX = $00CD ; Current cursor physical line number
DATAX = $00CE ; Temp data area
INSRT = $00CF ; Flag: insert mode, >0 = # INSTs
CIRSEG = $00E9 ; Screen line link table / editor temps
USER = $00EA ; Screen editor color IP
KEYTAB = $00EC ; Key scan table indirect
TMPKEY = $00EE ;
NDX = $00EF ; Index to keyboard queue
STPFLG = $00F0 ; Pause flag
TO = $00F1 ; Monitor ZP storage
CHRPTR = $00F3 ;
BUFEND = $00F4 ;
CHKSUM = $00F5 ; Temp for checksum calculation
LENGTH = $00F6 ;
PASS = $00F7 ; Which pass we are doing str
TYPE = $00F8 ; Type of block
USE4DY = $00F9 ; (B.7 = 1)=> for wr, (B.6 = 1)=> for rd
XSTOP = $00FA ; Save xreg for quick stopkey test
CURBNK = $00FB ; Current bank configuration
XoN = $00FC ; Char to send for a x-on (RS232)
XoFF = $00FD ; Char to send for a x-off (RS232)
SEDT2 = $00FE ; Editor temporary use
LOFBUF = $00FF ;
FBUFFR = $0100 ;
SAVEA = $0110 ; Temp Locations for
SAVEY = $0111 ; ... for Save and
SAVEX = $0112 ; ... Restore
COLKEY = $0113 ; Color/luminance table in RAM
SYSSTK = $0124 ; System stack
BUF = $0200 ; Basic/monitor input buffer
OLDLIN = $0259 ; Basic storage
OLDTXT = $025B ; Basic storage
XCNT = $025D ; DOS loop counter
PNBUFR = $025E ; Area for filename
DOSF1L = $026E ; DOS filename 1 length
DOSDS1 = $026F ; DOS disk drive 1
DOSF1A = $0270 ; DOS filename 1 addr
DOSF2L = $0272 ; DOS filename 2 length
DOSDS2 = $0273 ; DOS disk drive 2
DOSF2A = $0274 ; DOS filename 2 addr
DOSLA = $0276 ; DOS logical address
DOSEA = $0277 ; DOS phys addr
DOSSA = $0278 ; DOS secordary address
DOSDID = $0279 ; DOS disk identifier
DIDCHK = $0278 ; DOS DID flag
DOSSTR = $027C ; DOS output string buffer
DOSSPC = $027D ; Area used to build DOS string
XPOS = $02AD ; Current x position
YPOS = $02AE ; Current y position
XDEST = $02B1 ; X coordinate destination
YDEST = $02B3 ; Y coordinate destination
XABS = $02B5 ;
YABS = $02B7 ;
XSGN = $02B9 ;
YSGN = $02BB ;
FCT1 = $02BD ;
FCT2 = $02BF ;
ERRVAL = $02C1 ;
LESSER = $02C3 ;
GREATR = $02C4 ;
ANGSGN = $02C5 ; Sign of angle
SINVAL = $02C6 ; Sine of value of angle
COSVAL = $02C8 ; Cosine of value of angle
ANGCNT = $02CA ; Temps for angle distance routines
BNR = $02CD ; Pointer to begin no.
ENR = $02CE ; Pointer to end no.
DOLR = $02CF ; Dollar flag
FLAG = $02D0 ; Comma flag
SWE = $02D1 ; Counter
USGN = $02D2 ; Sign exponent
UEXP = $02D3 ; Pointer to exponent
VN = $02D4 ; # of digits before decimal point
CHSN = $02D5 ; Justify flag
VF = $02D6 ; # of pos before decimal point (field)
NF = $02D7 ; # of pos after decimal point (field)
POSP = $02D8 ; +/- flag (field)
FESP = $02D9 ; Exponent flag (field)
ETOF = $02DA ; Switch
CFORM = $02D8 ; Char counter (field)
SNO = $02DC ; Sign no.
BLFD = $02DD ; Blank/star flag
BEGFD = $02DE ; Pointer to beginning of field
LFOR = $02DF ; Length of format
ENDFD = $02E0 ; Pointer to end of field
XDIST1 = $02D0
YDIST1 = $02D2
XDIST2 = $02D4
YDIST2 = $02D6
COLCNT = $02DA ; Characters column counter
ROWCNT = $02DB ; Characters row counter
XCORD1 = $02CC
YCORD1 = $02CE
BOXANG = $02D0 ; Rotation angle
XCOUNT = $02D2
YCOUNT = $02D4
BXLENG = $02D6 ; Length of a side
XCORD2 = $02D8
YCORD2 = $02DA
XCIRCL = $02CC ; Circle center, x coordinate
YCIRCL = $02CE ; Circle center, y coordinate
XRADUS = $02D0 ; X radius
YRADUS = $02D2 ; Y radius
ROTANG = $02D4 ; Rotation angle
ANGBEG = $02D8 ; Arc angle start
ANGEND = $02DA ; Arc angle end
XRCOS = $02DC ; X radius * cos (rotation angle)
YRSIN = $02DE ; Y radius * sin (rotation angle)
XRSIN = $02E0 ; X radius * sin (rotation angle)
YRCOS = $02E2 ; Y radius * cos (rotation angle)
STRS2 = $02CE ; String length
GETTYP = $02D0 ; Replace string mode
STRPTR = $02D1 ; String position counter
OLDBYT = $02D2 ; Old bit map byte
NEWBYT = $02D3 ; New string or bit map byte
XSIZE = $02D5 ; Shape column length
YSIZE = $02D7 ; Shape row length
XSAVE = $02D9 ; Temp for column length
STRADR = $02D8 ; Save shape string descriptor
BITIDX = $02DD ; Bit index into byte
SAYSIZ = $02DE ; Temporary work locations
CHRPAG = $02E4 ; High byte addr of char ROM for char cmd
LITCNT = $02E5 ; Temp for gshape
SCALEM = $02E6 ; Scale mode flag
WIDTH = $02E7 ; Double width flag
FILFLG = $02E8 ; Box fill flag
BITMSK = $02E9 ; Temp for bit mask
TRCFLG = $02EB ; Flags trace mode
T3 = $02EC
T4 = $02ED
VTEMP3 = $02EF ; Graphic temp storage
VTEMP4 = $02F0
VTEMP5 = $02F1
ADRAY1 = $02E2 ; Ptr to routine: convert float to integer
ADRAY2 = $02F4 ; Ptr to routine: convert integer to float
BNKVEC = $02FE ; Vector for function cartridge users
IERROR = $0300 ; Indirect Error (Output Error in .X)
IMAIN = $0302 ; Indirect Main (System Direct Loop)
ICRNCH = $0304 ; Indirect Crunch (Tokenization Routine)
IOPLOP = $0306 ; Indirect List (Char List)
IGONE = $0308 ; Indirect Gone (Character Dispatch)
IEVAL = $030A ; Indirect Eval (Symbol Evaluation)
IESCLK = $030C ; Escape token crunch
IESCPR = $030E ;
IESCEX = $0310 ;
ITIME = $0312 ;
CINV = $0314 ; IRQ Ram Vector
CBINV = $0316 ; BRK Instr RAM Vector
IOPEN = $0318 ; Indirects for Code
ICLOSE = $031A ;
ICHKIN = $031C ;
ICKOUT = $031E ;
ICLRCH = $0320 ;
IBASIN = $0322 ;
IBSOUT = $0324 ;
ISTOP = $0326 ;
IGETIN = $0328 ;
ICLALL = $032A ;
USRCMD = $032C ;
ILOAD = $032E ;
ISAVE = $0330 ; Savesp
TAPBUF = $0333 ; Cassette tape buffer
WRLEN = $03F3 ; Length of data to be written to tape
RDCNT = $03F5 ; Length of data to be read from tape
INPQUE = $03F7 ; RS-232 input queue
ESTARL = $0437
ESTAKH = $0455
CHRGET = $0473
CHRGOT = $0479
QNUM = $0485
INDSUB = $0494 ; Shared ROM fetch sub
ZERO = $04A2 ; Numeric constant for Basic
INDTXT = $04A5 ; Txtptr
INDIN1 = $04B0 ; Index & Index1
INDIN2 = $04BB ; Index2
INDST1 = $04C6 ; Strng1
INDLOW = $04D1 ; Lowtr
INDFMO = $04DC ; Facmo
PUFILL = $04E7 ; Print using fill symbol [space]
PUCOMA = $04E8 ; Print using comma symbol [;]
PUDOT = $04E9 ; Print using D.P. symbol [.]
PUMONY = $04EA ; Print using monetary symbol [$]
TMPDES = $04EB ; Temp for instr
ERRNUM = $04EF ; Last error number
ERRLIN = $04F0 ; Line # of last error
TRAPNO = $04F2 ; Line to go on error
TMPTRP = $04F4 ; Hold trap no. temporarily
ERRTXT = $04F5
OLDSTR = $04F7
TMPTXT = $04F8
MTIMLO = $04FC ; Table of pending jiffies (2's comp)
USRPOK = $0500
KERNDX = $0503
DEJAVU = $0508 ; 'cold' or 'warm' start status
LAT = $0509 ; Logical file numbers
FAT = $0513 ; Primary device numbers
SAT = $051D ; Secondary addresses
KEYD = $0527 ; IRQ keyboard buffer
MEMSTR = $0531 ; Start of memory [1000]
MSIZ = $0533 ; Top of memory [FD00]
TIMOUT = $0535 ; IEEE timeout flag
FILEND = $0536 ; File end reached = 1, 0 otherwise
CTALLY = $0537 ; # of chars left in buffer (for R & W)
CBUFVA = $0538 ; # of total valid chars in buffer (R)
TPTR = $0539 ; Ptr to next char in buffer (for R & W)
FLTYPE = $053A ; Contains type of current cass file
COLOR = $053B ; Active attribute byte
FLASH = $053C ; Character flash flag
HIBASE = $053E ; OC Base location of screen (top) [0C]
XMAX = $053F ;
RPTFLG = $0540 ; Key repeat flag
KOUUT = $0541 ;
DELAY = $0542 ;
SHFLAG = $0543 ; Shift flag byte
LSTSHF = $0544 ; Last shift pattern
KEYLOG = $0545 ; Indirect for keyboard table setup
MODE = $0547 ; shift, C=
AUTODN = $0548 ; Auto scroll down flag (0=on,0off)
LINTMP = $0549
ROLFLG = $054A
FORMAT = $054B ; Monitor non-zpage storage
MSAL = $054C
WRAP = $054F
TMPC = $0550
DIFF = $0551
PCH = $0552
PCL = $0553
FLGS = $0554
ACC = $0555
XR = $0556
YR = $0557
SP = $0558
INYL = $0559
INVH = $055A
CMPFLG = $055B ; Used by various monitor routines
BAD = $055C
KYNDX = $055D ; Used for programmable keys
KEYIDX = $055E ;
KEYBUF = $055F ; Table of P.F. lengths
PKY9UF = $0567 ; P.F. Key storage area
KDATA = $05E7 ; Temp for data write to kennedy
RDYCMD = $05E8 ; Select for kennedy read or write
KDYNUM = $05E9 ; Kennedy's dev #
RDYPRS = $05EA ; Rennedy present = $ff, else = $00
KDYTYP = $05EB ; Temp for type of open for kennedy
SAVRAM = $05EC ; 1 page used by banking routines
PAT = $05EC ; Physical Address Table
LNGJMP = $05F0 ; Long jump address
FETARG = $05F2 ; Long jump accumulator
FETXRG = $05F3 ; Long jump x register
FETSRG = $05F4 ; Long jump status register
AREAS = $05F5 ; RAM areas for banking
ASPECH = $065E ; RAM area for speech
STKTOP = $06EC ; BASIC run-time stack
WROUT = $07B0 ; Byte to be written on tape
PARITY = $07B1 ; Temp for parity calc
TT1 = $07B2 ; Temp for write-header
TT2 = $07B3 ; Temp for write-header
RDBITS = $07B5 ; Local index for READBYTE routine
ERRSP = $07B6 ; Pointer into the error stack
FPERRS = $07B7 ; Number of first pass errors
DSAMP1 = $07B8 ; Time constant
DSAMP2 = $07BA ; Time constant
ZCELL = $07BC ; Time constant
SRECOV = $07BE ; Stack marker for stopkey recover
DRECOV = $07BF ; Stack marker for dropkey recover
TRSAVE = $07C0 ; params passed to RDBLOK
RDETMP = $07C4 ; Temp stat save for RDBLOK
LDRSCN = $07C5 ; # consec shorts to find in leader
CDERRM = $07C6 ; # Errors fatal in RD countdown
VSAVE = $07C7 ; Temp for Verify command
T1PIPE = $07C8 ; Pipe temp for T1
ENEXT = $07CC ; Read error propagate
UOUTQ = $07CD ; User chracter to send
UOUTFG = $07CE ; 0 = empty ; 1 = full
SOUT9 = $07CF ; System character to send
SOUNFG = $07D0 ; 0 = empty ; 1 = full
INOFPT = $07D1 ; Pntr to front of input queue
INQRPT = $07D2 ; Pntr to rear of input queue
INQCNT = $07D3 ; # of chars in input queue
ASTAT = $07D4 ; Temp status for ACIA
AINTMP = $07D5 ; Temp for input routine
ALSTOP = $07D6 ; FLG for local pause
ARSTOP = $07D7 ; FLG for remote pause
APRES = $07D8 ; FLG to indicate presence of ACIA
RLUDES = $07D9 ; Indirect routine downloaded
SCBOT = $07E5 ; Screen bottom (0...24)
SCTOP = $07E6 ; Screen top
SCLF = $07E7 ; Screen left (0...39)
SCRT = $07E8 ; Screen right
SCRDIS = $07E9 ; Negative = scroll out
INSFLG = $07EA ; Insert mode: FF = on, 00 = off
SAREG = $07F2 ; Registers for SYS command
SXREG = $07F3
SYREG = $07F4
SPREG = $07F5
LSTX = $07F6 ; Key scan index
STPDSB = $07F7 ; Flag to disable CTRL-S pause
RAMROM = $07F8 ; MSB for monitor fetches from ROM=0;RAM=1
COLSW = $07F9 ; MSB for color/lim table in RAM=0;ROM=1
FFRMSK = $07FA ; ROM mask for split screen
VMBMSK = $07FB ; VM base mask for split screen
LSEM = $07FC ; Motor lock semaphore for cassette
PALCNT = $07FD ; PAL tod
TEDATR = $0800 ; TED attribute bytes
TEDSCN = $0C00 ; TED character pointers
BASBGN = $1000 ; Start of BASIC text area
BMLUM = $1800 ; Luminance for bit map screen
BMCOLR = $1C00 ; Color for bit map
CINT = $ff81 ; Initialize screen editor
IOINIT = $ff84 ; Initialize I/O devices
RAMTAS = $ff87 ; Ram test
RESTOR = $ff8a ; Restore vectors to initial values
VECTOR = $ff8d ; Change vectors for user
SETMSG = $ff90 ; Control O.S. messages
SECND = $ff93 ; Send SA after LISTEN
TKSA = $ff96 ; Send SA after TALK
MEMTOP = $ff99 ; Set/Read top of memory
MEMBOT = $ff9c ; Set/Read bottom of memory
SCNKEY = $ff9f ; Scan keyboard
SETTMO = $ffa2 ; Set timeout in DMA disk
ACPTR = $ffa5 ; Handshake serial bus or DMA disk byte in
CIoUT = $ffa8 ; Handshake serial bus or DMA disk byte out
UNTLR = $ffab ; Send UNTALK out serial bus or DMA disk
UNLSN = $ffae ; Send UNLISTEN out serial bus or DMA disk
LISTN = $ffb1 ; Send LISTEN out serial bus or DMA disk
TALK = $ffb4 ; Send TALK out serial bus or DMA disk
READST = $ffb7 ; Return I/O STATUS byte
SETLFS = $ffba ; Set LA, FA, SA
SETNAM = $ffbd ; Set length and FN address
OPEN = $ffc0 ; Open logical file
CLOSE = $ffc3 ; Close logical file
CHKIN = $ffc6 ; Open channel in
CHOUT = $ffc9 ; open channel out
CLRCHN = $ffcc ; Close I/O channels
BASIN = $ffcf ; Input from channel
BSOUT = $ffd2 ; output to channel
LOADSP = $ffd5 ; Load from file
SAYESP = $ffd8 ; Save to file
SETTIM = $ffdb ; Set internal clock
RDTIM = $ffde ; Read internal clock
STOP = $ffe1 ; Scan STOP key
GETIN = $ffe4 ; Get character from queue
CLALL = $ffe7 ; Close all files
UDTIM = $ffea ; Increment clock
SCRORG = $ffed ; Screen org.
PLOT = $fff0 ; Read/Set X,Y coord of cursor
IOBASE = $fff3 ; Return location of start of I/O
; vim: syntax=64tass