C8RAMSIZE = 4096 .virtual $3000 C8RAM .fill C8START C8ENTRY .fill C8RAMSIZE - C8START c8ramend = *-1 .endvirtual ZP_START = $d0 .BasicStub MainEntry, 2021 .section code MainEntry .proc ;lda #EF_REGS lda #0 sta eflags jsr InitRandom jsr VideoInit jsr SoundInit jsr ClearScreen jsr ShowTitle jsr C8Reset jsr SetupIRQ jsr C8Run rts .endproc SetupIRQ .proc lda #64 sta prevkey sei lda CINV sta sysirq lda CINV+1 sta sysirq+1 lda #handler sta CINV+1 cli rts handler lda SFDX tax cmp prevkey beq dotick cmp #3 ; F7: reset bne + lda #EF_RESET ora eflags sta eflags jmp done + txa cmp #6 ; F5: Pause bne + lda #EF_PAUSE eor eflags sta eflags jmp done + txa cmp #53 ; =: Registers bne + lda #EF_REGS eor eflags sta eflags jmp done + txa cmp #46 ; -: Shift behaviour bne + lda #EF_SHIFTX eor eflags sta eflags jmp done + txa cmp #55 ; /: Load bne + lda #EF_LOAD ora eflags sta eflags ; jmp done + done stx prevkey dotick jsr Tick jmp (sysirq) .section bss sysirq .word ? prevkey .byte ? .endsection bss .endproc RestoreIRQ .proc sei lda SetupIRQ.sysirq sta CINV lda SetupIRQ.sysirq+1 sta CINV+1 cli rts .endproc InitRandom .proc ldx #0 - lda TIME, x sta rngst, x inx cpx #3 bne - lda io.ted.rasterline_lo sta rngst+3 lda io.ted.rastercolumn eor rngst+1 sta rngst+1 rts .endproc ClearScreen .proc lda #0 sta io.ted.bgcolor sta io.ted.bordercolor lda #'{green}' jsr CHROUT lda #'{clear}' jsr CHROUT rts .endproc ReadKeyboard .proc lda SFDX cmp #64 bne + nokey lda #$ff rts + ldy #0 - cmp kbdcodes, y beq + cpy #size(kbdcodes) beq nokey iny bne - + tya rts .endproc GetVBlank .proc sec lda #200 cmp io.ted.rasterline_lo rts .endproc SoundInit .proc FREQ = io.ted_freq(880) lda #$0f sta io.ted.snd_ctrl lda #FREQ ; ora io.ted.misc ; sta io.ted.misc lda io.ted.misc and #%1111_1100 ora #>FREQ sta io.ted.misc rts .endproc SoundOn .proc lda #$10 ora io.ted.snd_ctrl sta io.ted.snd_ctrl rts .endproc SoundOff .proc lda #~$10 and io.ted.snd_ctrl sta io.ted.snd_ctrl rts .endproc InputFileName .proc jsr RestoreIRQ ldx #ROW_FILENAME ldy #0 sty ch8filenamelen sty NDX clc jsr myPLOT lda #prompt jsr mySTROUT ldx #ROW_FILENAME ldy #size(prompt) clc jsr PLOT ldy #0 - lda #0 sta ch8filename, y jsr CHRIN cmp #13 beq + sta ch8filename, y iny jmp - + sty ch8filenamelen ldx #ROW_FILENAME jsr ClearLine jsr SetupIRQ rts .section data .enc "screen" prompt .null "file name: " .enc "none" .endsection data .endproc .endsection code .section data kbdcodes .byte 56, 59, 8, 11, 62, 9, 14, 17, 10, 13, 18, 21, 12, 23, 20, 31 .endsection data ; vim: syntax=64tass