
413 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from types import SimpleNamespace
from rply import ParserGenerator, LexerGenerator
import struct
OPS = {
'ADD': lambda a, b: a + b,
'SUBTRACT': lambda a, b: a - b,
'MULTIPLY': lambda a, b: a * b,
'DIVIDE': lambda a, b: a / b
'SET': (0x01, None), 'ADD': (0x02, None), 'SUB': (0x03, None), 'MUL': (0x04, None),
'MLI': (0x05, None), 'DIV': (0x06, None), 'DVI': (0x07, None), 'MOD': (0x08, None),
'MDI': (0x09, None), 'AND': (0x0a, None), 'BOR': (0x0b, None), 'XOR': (0x0c, None),
'SHR': (0x0d, None), 'ASR': (0x0e, None), 'SHL': (0x0f, None), 'IFB': (0x10, None),
'IFC': (0x11, None), 'IFE': (0x12, None), 'IFN': (0x13, None), 'IFG': (0x14, None),
'IFA': (0x15, None), 'IFL': (0x16, None), 'IFU': (0x17, None), 'ADX': (0x1a, None),
'SBX': (0x1b, None), 'STI': (0x1e, None), 'STD': (0x1f, None),
'JSR': (0x00, 0x01), 'INT': (0x00, 0x08), 'IAG': (0x00, 0x09), 'IAS': (0x00, 0x0a),
'RFI': (0x00, 0x0b), 'IAQ': (0x00, 0x0c), 'HWN': (0x00, 0x10), 'HWQ': (0x00, 0x11),
'HWI': (0x00, 0x12),
'JMP': (0x01, 0x1c) # Alias for SET PC, a
'A': 0x00, 'B': 0x01, 'C': 0x02, 'X': 0x03, 'Y': 0x04, 'Z': 0x05,
'I': 0x06, 'J': 0x07, 'SP': 0x1b, 'PC': 0x1c, 'EX': 0x1d
class ASM(SimpleNamespace):
def addr(arg, is_a):
if type(arg) == Expr:
arg = arg.value
if type(arg) == Register:
return (REGISTERS[arg.name], None)
elif type(arg) == int:
if is_a and (-1 <= arg <= 30):
return (arg + 0x21, None)
return (0x1f, arg)
elif type(arg) == Indirect:
if type(arg.disp) == Expr:
disp = getattr(arg.disp, "value", 0)
disp = arg.disp
if arg.reg is None:
return (0x1e, disp)
if arg.reg == 'SP':
sp = getattr(arg, 'sp', None)
if sp is None:
if disp == 0:
return (0x19, None)
return (0x1a, disp)
if (sp, is_a) not in (('inc', True), ('dec', False)):
raise SyntaxError()
return (0x18, None)
elif arg.reg in ('PC', 'EX'):
raise SyntaxError()
if hasattr(type(arg.reg), "getstr"):
r = arg.reg.getstr()
r = arg.reg
print("REG: "+r)
if arg.disp == 0:
return (0x08+REGISTERS[r], None)
return (0x10+REGISTERS[r], disp)
def code(self):
o, b = OPCODES[self.op]
a_bits, a_extra = self.addr(self.a, True)
if b is not None:
b_bits, b_extra = b, None
b_bits, b_extra = self.addr(self.b, False)
r = [o | (a_bits << 10) | (b_bits << 5)]
for e in a_extra, b_extra:
if e is not None:
return r
def words(self):
r = 1
if type(self.a) in (Expr, int): # literal (FIXME: optimize short literals)
if type(self.a) == int:
if not (-1 <= self.a <= 30):
r += 1
r += 1
elif type(self.a) == Indirect:
if self.a.disp != 0:
r += 1
if type(self.b) in (Expr, int): # literal
r += 1
elif type(self.b) == Indirect:
if self.b.disp != 0:
r += 1
return r
class Expr(SimpleNamespace):
def eval(self, ctx):
if self.op == 'SYMBOL':
return ctx[self.name]
elif self.op == 'NUMBER':
return self.value
return OPS[self.op](self.l.eval(ctx), self.r.eval(ctx))
def simplify(self, ctx={}):
if self.op == 'NUMBER':
return self
elif self.op == 'SYMBOL':
return Expr(op='NUMBER', value=ctx[self.name])
return self
e = Expr(op=self.op, l=self.l.simplify(ctx), r=self.r.simplify(ctx))
if e.l.op == 'NUMBER' and e.r.op == 'NUMBER':
return Expr(op='NUMBER', value=e.eval(ctx))
return e
class Directive(SimpleNamespace):
class Register(SimpleNamespace):
class Indirect(SimpleNamespace):
lg = LexerGenerator()
tokens = [
('OP2', '|'.join([x for x, (_, e) in OPCODES.items() if e is None])),
('OP1', '|'.join([x for x, (_, e) in OPCODES.items() if e is not None])),
('DIR1', r'\.org'),
('DIRN', r'\.(data|word)|DAT'),
('REG', '|'.join(REGISTERS.keys())),
('PUSH', r'PUSH'),
('POP', r'POP'),
('PEEK', r'PEEK'),
('PICK', r'PICK'),
('ADD', r'\+'),
('COMMA', r','),
('SUBTRACT', r'-'),
('MULTIPLY', r'\*'),
('DIVIDE', r'/'),
('SBO', r'\['),
('SBC', r']'),
('EOL', r'[\n\r]+'),
('COLON', r':'),
('STRLIT', r'"([^"\\]|\\.)*"'),
('NUMBER', r'0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\$[0-9a-fA-F]+|0b[01]+|0[0-7]+|\d+'),
('SYMBOL', r'[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*')
for name, regex in tokens:
lg.add(name, regex)
lg.ignore(r'[ \t\v\f]+')
pg = ParserGenerator(
[x for x, _ in tokens],
('left', ['ADD', 'SUBTRACT']),
('left', ['MULTIPLY', 'DIVIDE']),
@pg.production("main : lines")
def main(p):
return p[0]
@pg.production("lines : lines line")
def lines_lines(p):
return p[0] + [p[1]]
@pg.production("lines : line")
def lines_line(p):
return [p[0]]
@pg.production("lines : none")
def lines_empty(p):
return []
@pg.production("none :")
def none(p):
return None
@pg.production("line : COLON SYMBOL op EOL")
@pg.production("line : COLON SYMBOL EOL")
@pg.production("line : SYMBOL op EOL")
@pg.production("line : SYMBOL COLON op EOL")
@pg.production("line : op EOL")
@pg.production("line : SYMBOL EOL")
@pg.production("line : SYMBOL COLON EOL")
@pg.production("line : EOL")
def line(p):
label = None
instr = Directive(label=None, directive=None, args=None)
for t in p:
if type(t) in (ASM, Directive):
instr = t
elif t.gettokentype() == 'SYMBOL':
label = t.getstr()
instr.label = label
return instr
@pg.production("op : OP2 arg_b COMMA arg_a")
def op_op2(p):
return ASM(label=None, op=p[0].getstr(), b=p[1], a=p[3])
@pg.production("op : OP1 arg_a")
def op_op1(p):
return ASM(label=None, op=p[0].getstr(), a=p[1], b=None)
@pg.production("op : DIRN exprlist")
def op_dirn(p):
return Directive(label=None, directive=p[0].getstr(), args=p[1])
@pg.production("op : DIR1 expr")
def op_dir1(p):
return Directive(label=None, directive=p[0].getstr(), args=p[1])
@pg.production("exprlist : exprlist COMMA expr")
@pg.production("exprlist : exprlist COMMA string")
def exprlist_exprlist(p):
return p[0]+[p[2]]
@pg.production("exprlist : expr")
@pg.production("exprlist : string")
def exprlist_expr(p):
return [p[0]]
@pg.production("arg_a : arg")
def arg_a_arg(p):
return p[0]
@pg.production("arg_a : POP")
def arg_a_pop(p):
return Indirect(reg='SP', disp=0, sp='inc')
@pg.production("arg_a : SBO REG ADD ADD SBC")
def arg_a_pop_explicit(p):
if p[1].getstr() != 'SP':
raise SyntaxError()
return Indirect(reg='SP', disp=0, sp='inc')
@pg.production("arg_b : arg")
def arg_b_arg(p):
return p[0]
@pg.production("arg_b : PUSH")
def arg_b_push(p):
return Indirect(reg='SP', disp=0, sp='dec')
@pg.production("arg_b : SBO SUBTRACT SUBTRACT REG SBC")
def arg_b_push_explicit(p):
if p[3].getstr() != 'SP':
raise SyntaxError()
return Indirect(reg='SP', disp=0, sp='dec')
@pg.production("arg : REG")
def arg(p):
return Register(name=p[0].getstr())
@pg.production("arg : SBO REG SBC")
def arg_ind_reg(p):
return Indirect(reg=p[1], disp=0)
@pg.production("arg : SBO expr SBC")
def arg_ind(p):
return Indirect(reg=None, disp=p[1])
@pg.production("arg : SBO REG ADD expr SBC")
@pg.production("arg : SBO expr ADD REG SBC")
def arg_ind_reg_disp(p):
reg = None
disp = 0
for t in p:
if type(t) == Expr:
disp = t
elif t.gettokentype() == 'REG':
reg = t.getstr()
return Indirect(reg=reg, disp=disp)
@pg.production("arg : PEEK")
def arg_peek(p):
return Indirect(reg=Register(name='SP'), disp=0)
@pg.production("arg : PICK expr")
def arg_pick(p):
return Indirect(reg=Register(name='SP'), disp=p[1])
@pg.production("arg : expr")
def arg_expr(p):
return p[0] # FIXME
@pg.production("expr : expr ADD expr")
@pg.production("expr : expr SUBTRACT expr")
@pg.production("expr : expr MULTIPLY expr")
@pg.production("expr : expr DIVIDE expr")
def expr_op(p):
return Expr(op=p[1].gettokentype(), l=p[0], r=p[2]).simplify()
@pg.production("string : STRLIT")
def strlit(p):
# TODO: handle escapes
return p[0].getstr()[1:-1]
@pg.production("expr : NUMBER")
def expr_num(p):
base = 10
text = p[0].getstr()
if text.startswith('0b'):
base = 2
text = text[2:]
elif text.startswith('0x'):
base = 16
text = text[2:]
elif text.startswith('$'):
base = 16
text = text[1:]
elif text.startswith('0') and len(text) > 1:
base = 8
text = text[1:]
return Expr(op='NUMBER', value=int(text, base))
@pg.production("expr : SYMBOL")
def expr_sym(p):
return Expr(op='SYMBOL', name=p[0].getstr())
lexer = lg.build()
parser = pg.build()
def assemble(ctx, inst, step=1):
if inst.label is not None:
if step == 1 and inst.label in ctx:
print(f"Redefining symbol {inst.label}")
ctx[inst.label] = ctx['.addr']
if type(inst) == Directive:
if inst.directive == ".org":
ctx['.addr'] = inst.args.eval(ctx)
elif inst.directive in (".data", ".word", "DAT"):
al = []
for a in inst.args:
if type(a) == str:
al.extend([ord(x) for x in a])
if step == 1:
if step > 1:
print(ctx['.addr'], al)
ctx['.addr'] += len(al)
elif type(inst) == ASM:
if type(inst.a) == Expr:
inst.a = inst.a.eval(ctx)
if type(inst.b) == Expr:
inst.b = inst.b.eval(ctx)
except KeyError as e:
if step != 1:
raise e
if inst.b is not None:
print(f"{ctx['.addr']} {inst.op} {inst.b}, {inst.a} [len={inst.words()}]")
print(f"{ctx['.addr']} {inst.op} {inst.a} [len={inst.words()}]")
ctx['.addr'] += inst.words()
if step != 1:
return inst.code()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
sym = {}
sym['.addr'] = 0
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
with open(filename, 'r') as sourcefile:
code = parser.parse(lexer.lex(sourcefile.read()))
for inst in code: # pylint: disable=E1133
# print(sym['.addr'], inst)
assemble(sym, inst)
sym['.addr'] = 0
binimage = b''
for inst in code: # pylint: disable=E1133
a = assemble(sym, inst, 2)
if a is not None:
print(["%04x" % x for x in a])
for w in a:
binimage += struct.pack("<H", w)
outfilename = filename[:filename.rfind('.')]+'.bin'
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as binfile: