/* * Good on you for modifying your layout, this is the most nonQMK layout you will come across * There are three modes, Steno (the default), QWERTY (Toggleable) and a Momentary symbol layer * * Don't modify the steno layer directly, instead add chords using the keycodes and macros * from sten.h to the layout you want to modify. * * Observe the comment above processQWERTY! * * http://docs.gboards.ca */ #include QMK_KEYBOARD_H #include "sten.h" #include "keymap_steno.h" #define IGNORE_MOD_TAP_INTERRUPT int getKeymapCount(void); // Proper Layers #define FUNCT (LSD | LK | LP | LH) #define MEDIA (LSD | LK | LW | LR) #define MOVE (ST1 | ST2) /* Keyboard Layout * ,---------------------------------. ,------------------------------. * | FN | LSU | LFT | LP | LH | ST1 | | ST3 | RF | RP | RL | RT | RD | * |-----+-----+-----+----+----|-----| |-----|----+----+----+----+----| * | PWR | LSD | LK | LW | LR | ST2 | | ST4 | RR | RG | RB | RS | RZ | * `---------------------------------' `------------------------------' * ,---------------, .---------------. * | NUM | LA | LO | | RE | RU | NUM | * `---------------' `---------------' */ // YOU MUST ORDER THIS! // P Will return from processing on the first match it finds. Therefore // PJ Will run the requested action, remove the matched chord and continue // // First any chords that would conflict with PJs need to be checked, then PJs, lastly Ps. // For all chords should be ordered by length in their section! // // http://docs.gboards.ca bool processQwerty(void) { // Place P's that would be trashed by PJ's here P( RT | RS | RD | RZ | NUM, SEND_STRING(VERSION); SEND_STRING(__DATE__)); P( NUM | LA | LO | RE | RU, SEND(KC_MPLY)); P( ST1 | ST2 | ST3 | ST4, SEND(KC_BSPC)); // Thumb Chords P( LA | LO | RE | RU, SEND(KC_CAPS)); P( LA | RU, SEND(KC_ESC)); PJ( LO | RE, SEND(KC_LCTL)); PJ( NUM | LA | RU, SEND(KC_LCTL); SEND(KC_LSFT)); PJ( NUM | LA | RE, SEND(KC_LCTL); SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_LALT)); // Mods PJ( RT | RD | RS | RZ, SEND(KC_LGUI)); PJ( RT | RD, SEND(KC_LCTL)); PJ( RS | RZ, SEND(KC_LALT)); PJ( LA | NUM, SEND(KC_LCTL)); PJ( LA | LO, SEND(KC_LALT)); PJ( LO, SEND(KC_LSFT)); // Function Layer P( FUNCT | RF | RR, SEND(KC_F5)); P( FUNCT | RP | RB, SEND(KC_F6)); P( FUNCT | RL | RG, SEND(KC_F7)); P( FUNCT | RT | RS, SEND(KC_F8)); P( FUNCT | RF, SEND(KC_F1)); P( FUNCT | RP, SEND(KC_F2)); P( FUNCT | RL, SEND(KC_F3)); P( FUNCT | RT, SEND(KC_F4)); P( FUNCT | RR, SEND(KC_F9)); P( FUNCT | RG, SEND(KC_F10)); P( FUNCT | RB, SEND(KC_F11)); P( FUNCT | RS, SEND(KC_F12)); // Movement Layer P( MOVE | RF, SEND(KC_LEFT)); P( MOVE | RP, SEND(KC_DOWN)); P( MOVE | RL, SEND(KC_UP)); P( MOVE | RT, SEND(KC_RIGHT)); P( MOVE | ST3, SEND(KC_PGUP)); P( MOVE | ST4, SEND(KC_PGDN)); // Media Layer P( MEDIA | RF, SEND(KC_MPRV)); P( MEDIA | RP, SEND(KC_MPLY)); P( MEDIA | RL, SEND(KC_MPLY)); P( MEDIA | RT, SEND(KC_MNXT)); P( MEDIA | RD, SEND(KC_VOLU)); P( MEDIA | RZ, SEND(KC_VOLD)); P( MEDIA | RS, SEND(KC_MUTE)); // Mouse Keys P( LP | LH, clickMouse(KC_MS_BTN1)); P( LW | LR, clickMouse(KC_MS_BTN2)); // Number Row P( NUM | LSU, SEND(KC_1)); P( NUM | LFT, SEND(KC_2)); P( NUM | LP, SEND(KC_3)); P( NUM | LH, SEND(KC_4)); P( NUM | ST1, SEND(KC_5)); P( NUM | ST3, SEND(KC_6)); P( NUM | RF, SEND(KC_7)); P( NUM | RP, SEND(KC_8)); P( NUM | RL, SEND(KC_9)); P( NUM | RT, SEND(KC_0)); P( NUM | LA, SEND(KC_5)); P( NUM | RT, SEND(KC_0)); // Specials P( LA | NUM, SEND(KC_ESC)); P( RU | NUM, SEND(KC_TAB)); P( RE | RU, SEND(KC_BSPC)); P( RD | RZ, SEND(KC_ENT)); P( RE, SEND(KC_ENT)); P( RD, SEND(KC_BSPC)); P( NUM, SEND(KC_BSPC)); P( LA, SEND(KC_SPC)); P( RU, SEND(KC_SPC)); P( RZ, SEND(KC_ESC)); // Letters P( LSU | LSD, SEND(KC_A)); P( LFT | LK, SEND(KC_S)); P( LP | LW, SEND(KC_D)); P( LH | LR, SEND(KC_F)); P( ST1 | ST2, SEND(KC_G)); P( ST3 | ST4, SEND(KC_H)); P( RF | RR, SEND(KC_J)); P( RT | RS, SEND(KC_SCLN)) P( RG | RL, SEND(KC_L)); P( RP | RB, SEND(KC_K)); P( LSU, SEND(KC_Q)); P( LSD, SEND(KC_Z)); P( LFT, SEND(KC_W)); P( LK, SEND(KC_X)); P( LP, SEND(KC_E)); P( LW, SEND(KC_C)); P( LH, SEND(KC_R)); P( LR, SEND(KC_V)); P( ST1, SEND(KC_T)); P( ST2, SEND(KC_B)); P( ST3, SEND(KC_Y)); P( ST4, SEND(KC_N)); P( RF, SEND(KC_U)); P( RR, SEND(KC_M)); P( RP, SEND(KC_I)); P( RB, SEND(KC_COMM)); P( RL, SEND(KC_O)); P( RG, SEND(KC_DOT)); P( RT, SEND(KC_P)); P( RS, SEND(KC_SLSH)); // Symbols and Numbers P( PWR | RE | RU, SEND(KC_ENT)); P( PWR | LA | LO, SEND(KC_SPC)); P( PWR | LP | LW, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_9)); // ( P( PWR | LH | LR, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_0)); // ) P( PWR | ST1 | ST2, SEND(KC_GRV)); // ` P( PWR | RD | RZ, SEND(KC_ESC)); P( PWR | LSU | LSD, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_3)); // # P( PWR | LFT | LK, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_4)); // $ P( PWR | LSU, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_1)); // ! P( PWR | LSD, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_5)); // % P( PWR | LFT, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_2)); // @ P( PWR | LK, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_6)); // ^ P( PWR | LP, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_LBRC)); // { P( PWR | LW, SEND(KC_LBRC)); P( PWR | LH, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_RBRC)); // } P( PWR | LR, SEND(KC_RBRC)); P( PWR | ST1, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_BSLS)); // | P( PWR | ST2, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_GRV)); // ~ P( PWR | ST3, SEND(KC_QUOT)); P( PWR | ST4, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_QUOT)); // " P( PWR | RF, SEND(KC_KP_PLUS)); P( PWR | RR, SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_7)); // & P( PWR | RP, SEND(KC_MINS)); P( PWR | RB, SEND(KC_EQL)); P( PWR | RL, SEND(KC_SLSH)); P( PWR | RG, SEND(KC_COMM)); P( PWR | RT, SEND(KC_PAST)); P( PWR | RS, SEND(KC_DOT)); P( PWR | RD, SEND(KC_TAB)); P( PWR | LA, SEND(KC_SCLN)); P( PWR | LO, SEND(KC_SLSH)); P( PWR | RE, SEND(KC_SCLN)); P( PWR | RU, SEND(KC_SLSH)); // If we make here, send as a steno chord // If plover is running we can hook that host side return false; } #define STENO_LAYER 0 #define GAMING 1 #define GAMING_2 2 // "Layers" // Steno layer should be first in your map. // When PWR | FN | RR | RG | RB | RS is pressed, the layer is increased to the next map. You must return to STENO_LAYER at the end. // If you have only a single layer, you must set SINGLELAYER = yes in your rules.mk, otherwise you may experince undefined behaviour const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = { // Main layer, everything goes through here [STENO_LAYER] = LAYOUT_georgi( STN_FN, STN_S1, STN_TL, STN_PL, STN_HL, STN_ST1, STN_ST3, STN_FR, STN_PR, STN_LR, STN_TR, STN_DR, STN_PWR, STN_S2, STN_KL, STN_WL, STN_RL, STN_ST2, STN_ST4, STN_RR, STN_BR, STN_GR, STN_SR, STN_ZR, STN_N1, STN_A, STN_O, STN_E, STN_U, STN_N1) , // Gaming layer with Numpad, Very limited [GAMING] = LAYOUT_georgi( KC_LSFT, KC_Q, KC_W, KC_E, KC_R, KC_T, KC_Y, KC_U, KC_I, KC_O, KC_P, KC_ENT, KC_LCTL, KC_A, KC_S, KC_D, KC_F, KC_G, KC_H, KC_J, KC_K, KC_L, KC_SCLN, KC_DQUO, KC_LALT, KC_SPC, LT(GAMING_2, KC_ENT), KC_DEL, KC_ASTR, TO(STENO_LAYER)), [GAMING_2] = LAYOUT_georgi( KC_LSFT, KC_1, KC_2, KC_3, KC_4, KC_5, KC_6, KC_7, KC_8, KC_9, KC_0, KC_MINS, KC_LCTL, KC_Z, KC_X, KC_C, KC_V, KC_B, KC_N, KC_M, KC_LT, KC_GT, KC_QUES, KC_RSFT, KC_LALT, KC_SPC, KC_ENT, KC_DEL, KC_ASTR, TO(STENO_LAYER)) }; int getKeymapCount(void) { return sizeof(keymaps)/sizeof(keymaps[0]); }