#include "keyboard.h" #include "ch.h" #include "hal.h" #include "led_custom.h" #include "util.h" #include "quantum.h" #include "ws2812.h" #include "raw_hid.h" #include "dynamic_keymap.h" #include "tmk_core/common/eeprom.h" // HACK #include "keyboards/wilba_tech/via_api.h" // Temporary hack #include "keyboards/wilba_tech/via_keycodes.h" // Temporary hack backlight_config_t kb_backlight_config = { .enable = true, .breathing = true, .level = BACKLIGHT_LEVELS }; bool eeprom_is_valid(void) { return (eeprom_read_word(((void*)EEPROM_MAGIC_ADDR)) == EEPROM_MAGIC && eeprom_read_byte(((void*)EEPROM_VERSION_ADDR)) == EEPROM_VERSION); } void eeprom_set_valid(bool valid) { eeprom_update_word(((void*)EEPROM_MAGIC_ADDR), valid ? EEPROM_MAGIC : 0xFFFF); eeprom_update_byte(((void*)EEPROM_VERSION_ADDR), valid ? EEPROM_VERSION : 0xFF); } void eeprom_reset(void) { eeprom_set_valid(false); eeconfig_disable(); } void save_backlight_config_to_eeprom(){ eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CUSTOM_BACKLIGHT, kb_backlight_config.raw); } void load_custom_config(){ kb_backlight_config.raw = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CUSTOM_BACKLIGHT); } #ifdef DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_ENABLE void dynamic_keymap_custom_reset(void){ void *p = (void*)(EEPROM_CUSTOM_BACKLIGHT); void *end = (void*)(DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_MACRO_EEPROM_ADDR); while ( p != end ) { eeprom_update_byte(p, 0); ++p; } } #endif void eeprom_init_kb(void) { // If the EEPROM has the magic, the data is good. // OK to load from EEPROM. if (eeprom_is_valid()) { load_custom_config(); } else { #ifdef DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_ENABLE // This resets the keymaps in EEPROM to what is in flash. dynamic_keymap_reset(); // This resets the macros in EEPROM to nothing. dynamic_keymap_macro_reset(); // Reset the custom stuff dynamic_keymap_custom_reset(); #endif // Save the magic number last, in case saving was interrupted save_backlight_config_to_eeprom(); eeprom_set_valid(true); } } __attribute__ ((weak)) void matrix_init_board(void); void matrix_init_kb(void){ eeprom_init_kb(); /* MOSI pin*/ #ifdef RGBLIGHT_ENABLE palSetPadMode(PORT_WS2812, PIN_WS2812, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(0)); wait_ms(500); leds_init(); #endif backlight_init_ports(); matrix_init_board(); } void matrix_scan_kb(void) { #ifdef RGBLIGHT_ENABLE rgblight_task(); #endif } bool process_record_kb(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { switch (keycode) { case BL_INC: if (record->event.pressed) { kb_backlight_config.level = kb_backlight_config.level + 1; if(kb_backlight_config.level > BACKLIGHT_LEVELS){ kb_backlight_config.level = BACKLIGHT_LEVELS; } backlight_set(kb_backlight_config.level); save_backlight_config_to_eeprom(); } return false; case BL_TOGG: if (record->event.pressed) { kb_backlight_config.enable = !kb_backlight_config.enable; if(kb_backlight_config.enable){ backlight_set(kb_backlight_config.level); } else { backlight_set(0); } save_backlight_config_to_eeprom(); } return false; case BL_DEC: if (record->event.pressed) { if(kb_backlight_config.level <= 1){ kb_backlight_config.level = 0; } else { kb_backlight_config.level = kb_backlight_config.level - 1; } backlight_set(kb_backlight_config.level); save_backlight_config_to_eeprom(); } return false; case BL_BRTG: if (record->event.pressed) { kb_backlight_config.breathing = !kb_backlight_config.breathing; breathing_toggle(); save_backlight_config_to_eeprom(); } return false; default: break; } #ifdef DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_ENABLE // Handle macros if (record->event.pressed) { if ( keycode >= MACRO00 && keycode <= MACRO15 ) { uint8_t id = keycode - MACRO00; dynamic_keymap_macro_send(id); return false; } } #endif //DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_ENABLE return process_record_user(keycode, record);; } // Start Dynamic Keymap code #ifdef RAW_ENABLE void raw_hid_receive( uint8_t *data, uint8_t length ) { uint8_t *command_id = &(data[0]); uint8_t *command_data = &(data[1]); switch ( *command_id ) { case id_get_protocol_version: { command_data[0] = PROTOCOL_VERSION >> 8; command_data[1] = PROTOCOL_VERSION & 0xFF; break; } case id_get_keyboard_value: { switch( command_data[0]) { case id_uptime: { uint32_t value = timer_read32(); command_data[1] = (value >> 24 ) & 0xFF; command_data[2] = (value >> 16 ) & 0xFF; command_data[3] = (value >> 8 ) & 0xFF; command_data[4] = value & 0xFF; break; } default: { *command_id = id_unhandled; break; } } break; } #ifdef DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_ENABLE case id_dynamic_keymap_get_keycode: { uint16_t keycode = dynamic_keymap_get_keycode( command_data[0], command_data[1], command_data[2] ); command_data[3] = keycode >> 8; command_data[4] = keycode & 0xFF; break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_set_keycode: { dynamic_keymap_set_keycode( command_data[0], command_data[1], command_data[2], ( command_data[3] << 8 ) | command_data[4] ); break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_reset: { dynamic_keymap_reset(); break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_macro_get_count: { command_data[0] = dynamic_keymap_macro_get_count(); break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_macro_get_buffer_size: { uint16_t size = dynamic_keymap_macro_get_buffer_size(); command_data[0] = size >> 8; command_data[1] = size & 0xFF; break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_macro_get_buffer: { uint16_t offset = ( command_data[0] << 8 ) | command_data[1]; uint16_t size = command_data[2]; // size <= 28 dynamic_keymap_macro_get_buffer( offset, size, &command_data[3] ); break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_macro_set_buffer: { uint16_t offset = ( command_data[0] << 8 ) | command_data[1]; uint16_t size = command_data[2]; // size <= 28 dynamic_keymap_macro_set_buffer( offset, size, &command_data[3] ); break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_macro_reset: { dynamic_keymap_macro_reset(); break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_get_layer_count: { command_data[0] = dynamic_keymap_get_layer_count(); break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_get_buffer: { uint16_t offset = ( command_data[0] << 8 ) | command_data[1]; uint16_t size = command_data[2]; // size <= 28 dynamic_keymap_get_buffer( offset, size, &command_data[3] ); break; } case id_dynamic_keymap_set_buffer: { uint16_t offset = ( command_data[0] << 8 ) | command_data[1]; uint16_t size = command_data[2]; // size <= 28 dynamic_keymap_set_buffer( offset, size, &command_data[3] ); break; } #endif // DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_ENABLE case id_eeprom_reset: { eeprom_reset(); break; } case id_bootloader_jump: { // Need to send data back before the jump // Informs host that the command is handled raw_hid_send( data, length ); // Give host time to read it wait_ms(100); bootloader_jump(); break; } default: { // Unhandled message. *command_id = id_unhandled; break; } } // Return same buffer with values changed raw_hid_send( data, length ); } #endif