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2020-06-06 17:23:24 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of SEP Development Kit
SEP Development Kit is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
SEP Development Kit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SEP Development Kit; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
#include "lwpmudrv_defines.h"
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include "lwpmudrv_types.h"
#include "rise_errors.h"
#include "lwpmudrv_ecb.h"
#include "lwpmudrv_struct.h"
#include "lwpmudrv.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "hsw_unc_power.h"
#include "snb_unc_power.h"
#include "avt_unc_power.h"
#include "ecb_iterators.h"
#include "unc_common.h"
extern U64 *read_unc_ctr_info;
* @fn static VOID unc_power_snb_Write_PMU(VOID*)
* @brief No registers to write and setup the accumalators with initial values
* @return None
* <I>Special Notes:</I>
static VOID
unc_power_snb_Write_PMU (
VOID *param
U32 dev_idx = *((U32*)param);
U64 tmp_value = 0;
U32 j;
U32 event_id = 0;
FOR_EACH_REG_ENTRY_UNC(pecb, dev_idx, i) {
for ( j = 0; j < (U32)GLOBAL_STATE_num_cpus(driver_state); j++) {
tmp_value = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i)) & SNB_POWER_MSR_DATA_MASK;
LWPMU_DEVICE_prev_val_per_thread(&devices[dev_idx])[j][event_id + 1] = tmp_value; // need to account for group id
// Initialize counter_mask for accumulators
if (LWPMU_DEVICE_counter_mask(&devices[dev_idx]) == 0) {
LWPMU_DEVICE_counter_mask(&devices[dev_idx]) = (U64)ECB_entries_max_bits(pecb,i);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn unc_power_snb_Read_Counts(param, id)
* @param param The read thread node to process
* @param id The event id for the which the sample is generated
* @return None No return needed
* @brief Read the Uncore count data and store into the buffer param;
* Uncore PMU does not support sampling, i.e. ignore the id parameter.
static VOID
unc_power_snb_Read_Counts (
PVOID param,
U32 id
UNC_COMMON_MSR_Read_Counts_With_Mask(param, id, SNB_POWER_MSR_DATA_MASK);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn unc_power_hsw_Read_Counts(param, id)
* @param param The read thread node to process
* @return None No return needed
* @brief Read the Uncore count data and store into the buffer param;
* Uncore PMU does not support sampling, i.e. ignore the id parameter.
static VOID
unc_power_hsw_Read_Counts (
PVOID param,
U32 id
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn unc_power_hsw_Read_PMU_Data(param)
* @param param The read thread node to process
* @param id The event id for the which the sample is generated
* @return None No return needed
* @brief Read the Uncore count data and store into the buffer param;
* Uncore PMU does not support sampling, i.e. ignore the id parameter.
static VOID
unc_power_hsw_Read_PMU_Data (
PVOID param
S32 j;
U64 *buffer = read_unc_ctr_info;
U32 dev_idx = *((U32*)param);
U32 start_index;
DRV_CONFIG pcfg_unc;
U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU();
CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu];
U32 num_cpus = GLOBAL_STATE_num_cpus(driver_state);
U32 thread_event_count = 0;
pcfg_unc = (DRV_CONFIG)LWPMU_DEVICE_pcfg(&devices[dev_idx]);
start_index = DRV_CONFIG_emon_unc_offset(pcfg_unc, 0);
FOR_EACH_DATA_REG_UNC(pecb, dev_idx, i) {
if (ECB_entries_event_scope(pecb,i) == PACKAGE_EVENT) {
j = start_index + thread_event_count*(num_cpus-1) + ECB_entries_group_index(pecb,i) + ECB_entries_emon_event_id_index_local(pecb,i);
if (!CPU_STATE_socket_master(pcpu)) {
else {
j = start_index + this_cpu + thread_event_count*(num_cpus-1) + ECB_entries_group_index(pecb,i) + ECB_entries_emon_event_id_index_local(pecb,i);
buffer[j] = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn unc_power_avt_Read_Counts(param, id)
* @param param The read thread node to process
* @param id The event id for the which the sample is generated
* @return None No return needed
* @brief Read the Uncore count data and store into the buffer param;
* Uncore PMU does not support sampling, i.e. ignore the id parameter.
static VOID
unc_power_avt_Read_Counts (
PVOID param,
U32 id
UNC_COMMON_MSR_Read_Counts_With_Mask(param, id, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @fn unc_power_avt_Read_PMU_Data(param)
* @param param The read thread node to process
* @return None No return needed
* @brief Read the Uncore count data and store into the buffer param;
* Uncore PMU does not support sampling, i.e. ignore the id parameter.
static VOID
unc_power_avt_Read_PMU_Data (
PVOID param
S32 j;
U64 *buffer = read_unc_ctr_info;
U32 dev_idx = *((U32*)param);
U32 start_index;
DRV_CONFIG pcfg_unc;
U32 this_cpu = CONTROL_THIS_CPU();
CPU_STATE pcpu = &pcb[this_cpu];
U32 num_cpus = GLOBAL_STATE_num_cpus(driver_state);
U32 cur_grp = LWPMU_DEVICE_cur_group(&devices[(dev_idx)]);
U32 package_event_count = 0;
U32 thread_event_count = 0;
U32 module_event_count = 0;
pcfg_unc = (DRV_CONFIG)LWPMU_DEVICE_pcfg(&devices[dev_idx]);
start_index = DRV_CONFIG_emon_unc_offset(pcfg_unc, cur_grp);
FOR_EACH_DATA_REG_UNC(pecb, dev_idx, i) {
j = start_index + ECB_entries_group_index(pecb,i) +
package_event_count*num_packages +
module_event_count*(GLOBAL_STATE_num_modules(driver_state)) +
thread_event_count*num_cpus ;
if (ECB_entries_event_scope(pecb,i) == PACKAGE_EVENT) {
j = j + core_to_package_map[this_cpu];
if (!CPU_STATE_socket_master(pcpu)) {
else if (ECB_entries_event_scope(pecb,i) == MODULE_EVENT) {
j = j + CPU_STATE_cpu_module_num(pcpu);
if (!CPU_STATE_cpu_module_master(pcpu)) {
else {
j = j + this_cpu;
buffer[j] = SYS_Read_MSR(ECB_entries_reg_id(pecb,i));
//SEP_PRINT_DEBUG("cpu=%d j=%d mec=%d mid=%d tec=%d i=%d gi=%d ei=%d count=%llu\n", this_cpu, j, module_event_count, CPU_STATE_cpu_module_num(pcpu), thread_event_count, i, ECB_entries_group_index(pecb,i), ECB_entries_emon_event_id_index_local(pecb,i), buffer[j]);
* Initialize the dispatch table
DISPATCH_NODE snb_power_dispatch =
NULL, // initialize
NULL, // destroy
unc_power_snb_Write_PMU, // write
NULL, // freeze
NULL, // restart
NULL, // read
NULL, // check for overflow
NULL, // swap group
NULL, // read lbrs
NULL, // cleanup
NULL, // hw errata
NULL, // read power
NULL, // check overflow errata
unc_power_snb_Read_Counts, // read counts
NULL, // check overflow gp errata
NULL, // read_ro
NULL, // platform info
NULL // scan for uncore
* Initialize the dispatch table
DISPATCH_NODE haswell_power_dispatch =
NULL, // initialize
NULL, // destroy
UNC_COMMON_Dummy_Func, // write
NULL, // freeze
NULL, // restart
unc_power_hsw_Read_PMU_Data, // read
NULL, // check for overflow
NULL, // swap group
NULL, // read lbrs
NULL, // cleanup
NULL, // hw errata
NULL, // read power
NULL, // check overflow errata
unc_power_hsw_Read_Counts, // read counts
NULL, // check overflow gp errata
NULL, // read_ro
NULL, // platform info
NULL // scan for uncore
* Initialize the dispatch table
DISPATCH_NODE avoton_power_dispatch =
NULL, // initialize
NULL, // destroy
UNC_COMMON_Dummy_Func, // write
NULL, // freeze
NULL, // restart
unc_power_avt_Read_PMU_Data, // read
NULL, // check for overflow
NULL, // swap group
NULL, // read lbrs
NULL, // cleanup
NULL, // hw errata
NULL, // read power
NULL, // check overflow errata
unc_power_avt_Read_Counts, // read counts
NULL, // check overflow gp errata
NULL, // platform info
NULL // scan for uncore